shrimp nutritional value

Shrimp Nutritional Value

Shrimp are one of the most nutritious and popular seafood. They are quite low in calories and saturated fats, but high in many essential nutrients.

Shrimp are decapod crustaceans that can be found in both fresh and salt water. They live close to the bottom of the water bodies. The delicious taste of their firm and translucent flesh has made shrimp one of the most popular seafood, just next to fish. Shrimp also possess a rich nutritional profile. Shrimp Nutrition Facts Shrimp are quite popular as a low-calorie food source of protein. 85 g of shrimp can provide about 84 calories. The same amount of shrimp contain approximately 0.9 g fats, of which 0.2 g are saturated fats, 0.2 g are monounsaturated fats and 0.4 g are polyunsaturated fats. Apart from these, 85 g of shrimp also contain about 17.8 g proteins, 166 mg cholesterol, 295 mg omega-3 fatty acids, 17.9 mg omega-6 fatty acids, 191 IU of vitamin A, 1.9 mg vitamin C, 1.3 mcg vitamin B12, 2.2 mg niacin, 3.4 mcg folate, 68.8 mg choline, 33.2 mg calcium, 2.6 mg iron, 28.9 mg magnesium, 155 mg potassium, 116 mg phosphorus, 1.3 mg zinc, and 33.7 mg selenium. Health Benefits of Shrimp The only thing that can confuse people about shrimp is that they are quite high in cholesterol. It is true that shrimp contain a high amount of cholesterol, and they can increase the level of LDL cholesterol in the body. But, they can raise the level of HDL cholesterol as well, which is considered to be good for the health of the cardiovascular system. In fact, the increase in HDL cholesterol is usually more than the increase in LDL cholesterol, when a shrimp diet is followed. Thus, shrimp can lower the ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol, which can prove beneficial for the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system. In addition to these, shrimp can provide a number of other health benefits, which are explained below:
  • Shrimp are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are good for the cardiovascular system.
  • Omega-3 essential fatty acids can slow down or prevent the development of diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, colorectal cancer, and cancerous tumors.
  • Being a very important dietary source of selenium, this seafood can provide protection against degenerative diseases and cancer. Selenium is the trace mineral, which can prevent the proliferation of cancerous cells, and neutralize the damaging effects of the free radicals. This in turn, can reduce the risk of a number of diseases including cancer.
  • Vitamin B12 found in shrimp can ensure the proper formation and maturation of the blood cells. This vitamin is also essential for the functions of the brain.
  • Shrimp contain a significant amount of vitamin D and the mineral calcium. Vitamin D is required by the body for the proper absorption of the mineral calcium, which is essential for the formation of strong bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus is another mineral that can be found in shrimp. This mineral can also contribute towards the development of strong bones and teeth.
  • Shrimp do not contain a significant level of saturated fats, but contain unsaturated fatty acids, which again can help improve the health of the heart and the cardiovascular system.
  • This seafood can also help lower the level of triglycerides, and thereby reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes.
To sum up, shrimp are one of the highly nutritious seafood. They can be prepared in a number of ways, but be sure to keep in mind that shrimp should be cooked quickly so as to preserve their taste and flavor. Another thing to be noted is that many individuals are allergic to this seafood. They can develop an allergic reaction after consuming shrimp, which can manifest in itching, hives, skin rash, breathing problems, wheezing, and unusual swelling, especially of the face, tongue, throat, and the lips.

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