hard riddles to solve with answers

Hard Riddles to Solve with Answers

We are constantly on the hunt for sources of hard riddles to solve, with answers provided. If you are looking for ways to challenge your gray cells, or want to flummox your friends, here are some brain teasers.

For kids, here are some hard riddles to enjoy, along with the answers. 1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? Show Answer
Answer: A towel
2. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? Show Answer
Answer: A stamp
3. Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it? Show Answer
Answer: The word "wholesome"
4. There are two dogs sitting on a porch - one dog is fat and one is thin. The little dog is the son of the fat dog, but the fat dog is not the father of the thin dog. Show Answer
Answer: The fat dog is the mother.
5. If it has a quart capacity, how many pennies can you put into an empty piggy bank? Show Answer
Answer: Just one - after that it won't be empty.
6. If there are three cups of sugar and you take one away, how many do you have? Show Answer
Answer: You have just one - the one you took away.
I hope you enjoyed these riddles and got the answers right without clicking on the Show Answer link. You would have realized that most are hard riddles with simple answers. However, the ones with numbers are hard riddles for adults and older kids. If you had fun solving them, continue to keep your mind sharp and agile with more riddles, puzzles and crafts.

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