black olives nutrition

Black Olives Nutrition

The nutritional values of black and green olives are almost similar. Go through this article for a brief overview about the nutrients in black olives.

Olives are among some of the oldest foods that have been used by humans throughout the ages. They are fruits of olive trees that are natives to Greece. Unlike most of the edible fruits, you cannot consume fresh olives, which are extremely bitter, and are usually cured with brine, vinegar, and lye. The type of curing is responsible for the flavor and texture of the olives, to some extent. The flavor may also vary with the type of olive, and the region in which it is cultivated. Green and black olives are the most commonly available types. While the nutrients in both types are almost the same, black olives are said to have a slightly higher nutritional value. What are Black Olives? While green olives are unripe olives that are harvested before they get ripe, black ones are olives that are allowed to ripe on the trees. Once they get fully ripened, and turn purplish black in color; these olives are harvested, cured and are packed in both pitted and non pitted forms. There are many different types of black olives that include Kalamata olives from Greece, Nicoise and Nyon olives from France, and Gaeta from Italy. In some cases, green olives too turn black, as a result of processing; but the former types are mainly classified as black olives. As compared to black olives, the green types are firmer and denser. Green olives are often found in pitted forms with stuffing. It has been observed that the black version is more often used for cooking and garnishing. However, as far as the nutritional value of black olives is concerned, it is almost similar to that of green olives. Black Olive Nutrition Facts As mentioned above, you may not find much difference between the nutrition offered by black and green olives. However, black olives have a higher oil content, as compared to the green varieties. An ounce of black olives amounts to around 30 calories; and contains two grams of carbohydrates, three grams of fat, one gram of dietary fiber, and 0.3 gram of protein. The following table will provide details about the nutrient content in one ounce of black olives.
Nutrient Value
Vitamin A 113 IU
Vitamin E 0.5 mg
Vitamin K 0.4 mcg
Calcium 24 mg
Potassium 3 mg
Iron 0.9 mg
Sodium 299 mg
Black olives are rich in phytonutrients that have several health benefits. These olives contain good fats that are said to be beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol. It is a good source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that can fight free radicals and prevent certain diseases. So, black olives can be a healthy addition to your diet. As it is high in sodium content, moderate use is always recommended. As in case of other olives, excess consumption of black olives on an empty stomach may lead to digestive problems. It will be better to avoid those varieties that contain ferrous gluconate.

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