good moving on quotes

Good Quotes About Moving On

Whether you are suffering from a hear break, a job loss, or are just depressed, a collection of a few really good quotes about can provide the inspiration to move on. This Buzzle article lists some great quotes about moving on in life after a disappointment.

Life is never fair. This is what makes it so interesting to live. We get to live our share of smiles and sail through the storm of tears. One of the most common experiences shared by people around the world is heart-break. One can suffer from a broken heart after a failed love affair. It can also happen when we are unable to achieve our dreams or desires in life. We have to accept the reality and move on with our lives. It is rather difficult to walk the path of disappointments. But, one has to undertake this journey to survive in life. The dark jungle of heart breaks and disappointment needs to be crossed to reach oasis of hope and bright future. During these difficult times, the best way to get inspired and get encouraged is with the help of quotes. Quotes to Help You Move On in Life It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. ―Alfred Lord Tennyson Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either. ―Golda Meir Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. ―Mahatma Gandhi If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind. ―Norman Vincent Peale When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ―Alexander Graham Bell Every exit is an entry somewhere. ―Tom Stoppard Every breath is an opportunity to receive and let go. I receive love and I let go of pain. ―Brenda MacIntyre We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us. ―Joseph Campbell Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. ―Dr. Seuss When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. ―Lao Tzu You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. ―C. S. Lewis Every wall is a door. ―Ralph Waldo Emerson How do geese know when to fly to the sun? Who tells them the seasons? How do we, humans know when it is time to move on? As with the migrant birds, so surely with us, there is a voice within if only we would listen to it, that tells us certainly when to go forth into the unknown. ―Elisabeth Kubler-Ross I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. ―Albert Einstein The key to moving on is to let go of fears. ―Rosanne Cash Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. ―Unknown Some people think that it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go. ―Unknown There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn't the end of the world, it's the beginning of a new life. ―Unknown Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. ―M. Kathleen Casey A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it. ―Unknown Quietly forgiving and moving on is a gift to God and yourself. ―Unknown Sometimes the cards we are dealt are not always fair. However you must keep smiling & moving on. ―Tom Jackson As the old adage goes, 'There is no use crying over spilled milk', similarly there is no sense holding on to something that didn't happen the way you wished it to be. Pick up your life and begin to tread on new paths. You never know you may come across something far better than you had wished for.

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Корпоративные преимущества:
Чтобы победить, нужно только верить в удачу и всегда быть на положительной стороне.
Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
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Удивительно роскошный отдых прямо по соседству.

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