glyburide side effects

Glyburide Side Effects

Glyburide is an oral diabetic drug which helps in enhancing the production of insulin in pancreas. The upcoming article provides in-depth information on the ill effects of glyburide. It also sheds light on the use of this drug during pregnancy.

Pancreas produce insulin, the hormone which when released into the blood, reduces the formation of glucose by the liver and enhances the removal of sugar (glucose) from the cells of the body. Patients with type 2 diabetes have high glucose levels in their blood. It is observed that the cells in their bodies are resistant to the effect of insulin. Production of excessive glucose by the liver is another symptom noticed in some people who have type 2 diabetes. The pancreas, in such cases, are not able to produce sufficient amount of insulin to overcome the insulin resistance exhibited by the cells. Use of Glyburide Glyburide is an oral glucose-lowering drug which belongs to a class of diabetic drugs called sulfonylureas. This drug was approved by the FDA in May 1984. It does not cure diabetes, but acts as a stimulant for the pancreas so that they are able to produce more insulin. In this way, it helps in maintaining normal blood glucose levels. This medication will only help in lowering blood sugar in people whose bodies produce insulin naturally. Its usage is definitely helpful for patients with type 2 diabetes, but the side effects can be a cause of concern for them. However, it is not used to treat type 1 diabetes (a condition in which the body does not produce insulin and, therefore, cannot control the amount of blood sugar) or diabetic ketoacidosis (a grave condition that may occur if high blood sugar is not controlled). If any of the following glyburide ill effects persist for long or get worsened, you should immediately inform your doctor. Some Adverse Effects
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Seizures
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Mood swings
  • Yellowish eyes or skin
  • Stomach fullness
  • Easy bleeding or bruising
  • Swelling on hands and feet
  • Stomach pain
  • Dark urine
  • Though very rare, some patients may notice symptoms of an allergic reaction to glyburide which manifests in the form of rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, etc.
  • Weight gain, one of the important glyburide side effects, can be easily noticed in diabetic patients. The drug is responsible for a sudden weight gain without any reason.
  • There are no adequate studies that talk about the adverse effects of this drug during pregnancy or lactation. According to recent information, abnormal blood glucose levels during pregnancy increase the chances of congenital abnormalities. It is suggested that this drug should be administered during pregnancy only if clearly needed. It is also recommended that pregnant women should stop taking this medication, at least 2 weeks before the expected date of delivery. Severe hypoglycemia in the newborn infant is one of the serious fallouts of this medication.
  • Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar symptoms, like thirst, increased urination, confusion, drowsiness, flushing, rapid breathing, or fruity breath odor convey that your medication dose needs to be increased.
  • Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is observed in case of insufficient calorie intake. Chills, cold sweat, blurred vision, dizziness, shaking, palpitations, excessive weakness, headache, fainting, tingling of the hands or feet, or hunger are the main symptoms of hypoglycemia. Those who take glyburide, should always carry glucose tablets to treat low blood sugar. A quick source of sugar, such as table sugar, honey, candy, a glass of orange juice, or non-diet soda can quickly raise the blood sugar level. Diabetic patients should never skip their meals. They should rather eat proper meals on a timely basis to prevent low blood sugar levels.
It is necessary to follow a proper diet when taking glyburide. Regular exercise helps in controlling high blood sugar level and also prevents the side effects of this drug. By controlling high blood sugar, the drug helps in preventing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, circulation problems, and sexual function problems like impotence, etc. You should follow the instructions of your physicians religiously while taking this medication. You are expected to monitor blood glucose levels regularly, and if you notice that the levels are too high or too low, then you should immediately inform your doctor. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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