face lift exercises

Face Lift Exercises

Just as much as our body, the facial muscles also require some exercises. Read the Buzzle article to find some helpful face lift exercises to perform from the comfort of your home.

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury. There are many celebrities who have gone under the knife, paid a lot of money, and gone under the knife to look beautiful and hide their age. But some of their surgeries have gone wrong. I am not saying that it happens all the time, but why take the risk? We all wish to find an easier way to get what we want; and beauty is also part of it. And in all that jumble, not once we take the natural route. As a young child, our skin is soft and tender, and doesn't have any kind of wrinkles or age lines. However, as we grow older, our skin begins to lose its elasticity. This brings the horrors of wrinkles, laugh lines, and age lines on our face. Hence, many people turn to plastic surgery for answers. But there are many facial exercises that can help you bring back the suppleness in your skin. Why go for risky, painful surgeries when you can easily do these face lift exercises at home? Lips The exercise should be done at least 3 to 4 times a week. To know how this exercise is performed, follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Sit in a chair, and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • Keep your mouth closed with the teeth touching together.
  • Now smile as wide as you can but keep your lips closed.
  • Hold this pose for about 5 seconds, and relax.
  • As you relieve the first pose, immediately pucker your lips.
  • Stretch outward as far as you can, and again hold for about 5 seconds. Relax again.
Cheeks The exercise should be done at least 3 to 4 times a week. To reduce laugh lines around your lips, this exercise is the perfect solution. To know how this exercise is performed, follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Sit in a chair, and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • Next, suck your cheeks inward.
  • You will suck them (make a face like a fish), and hold for about 10 seconds now.
  • Relax your face. Perform the exercise 10 times.
Neck The neck and throat are the worst places to get saggy skin. The exercise shows you how easy it is to get rid of it. To get the best results, follow the exercise mentioned below.
  • Sit in a chair, and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • Close your eyes, tilt your head back, and face it towards the ceiling.
  • Now move your jaw as if you are chewing a gum, but don't open your mouth. Do it 20 times.
  • Bring your head to the right side and chew for 20 times.
  • Again do the same on the left side. Bring your head back to normal position.
Throat In this area, the skin tends to sag the most and can be difficult to manage. To perform the exercise, follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Sit in a chair, and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • Now look up towards the ceiling, and pucker your lips.
  • You will stretch them outward, and hold the pose for about 10 seconds.
  • Relax, and come back to normal position. Repeat 5 times.
  • Next, you will look towards the ceiling again and bring your tongue out.
  • You will try and touch your chin with it. Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  • Bring the tongue back inside. Do the exercise 5 times.
Eyes Perform the exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week. To know how this exercise is performed, follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Sit in a chair, and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • Look towards the ceiling with your eyes, as far as you can.
  • Now bring your eyes back to starting position.
  • Look towards your left with your eyes, and take them as far as you can.
  • Now move your eyes towards the right side.
  • All the while, your head will be in one place. Repeat 10 times.
Forehead This exercise works on reducing the lines on your forehead. The unwanted frown lines can be easily worked on with the following exercise.
  • Sit in a chair, and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • For the forehead, frown as much as you can to bring your eyebrows closer.
  • Now lift your eyebrows upward as far as you can, and open your eyes wide open.
  • Hold these positions for 5 seconds each.
  • Repeat the exercises 10 times a day.
Jawline The exercise will help lift the drooping jawline, and help tone it.
  • Sit in a chair, and keep your back straight the entire time.
  • Slightly tilt your head backwards, and bring your lips together.
  • Purse the lips as tightly as you can, and hold it so for 5 seconds.
  • Relax, and come back to normal position.
  • Do this exercise for 5 times each day.
Sagging skin, whether it is near your eyes, neck, chin, or jawline, is not attractive. These exercises can help you get some relief from the unwanted lines and flaws. As they help lift the face without surgery, they are one of the affordable methods to get a natural looking skin. Trust me, after looking at some botched up plastic surgeries, I sure love these exercises even more.

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
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