choosing psychic advisor

Choosing a Psychic Advisor

Many people might not even be knowing what a psychic advisor is, and what role they perform. How, then, does one go about choosing the right one? Find out in this Buzzle article dedicated to the same.

The term 'psychic' means something concerned with the soul or the inner self or the psyche. A psychic advisor is a person that uses his/her psychic abilities to reach out into the unknown to get clarity and advice for the client. Types of Abilities There are several types of abilities that describe him/her, some of which are mentioned below. Clairvoyance This is the art of 'seeing' things which are beyond the 'normal' capabilities of a human being. It is often called ESP or Extra Sensory Perception. An advisor with clairvoyant abilities will usually see things, like the future, in the form of colors, images, and scenes. Clairaudience This is when the advisor 'hears' things. Empathy This is when the advisor is able to connect to the client on so many emotional levels, that he/she begins to feel each and everything that the client feels, including body aches and pains. Telekinesis This is the ability to move or re-shape objects with the power of the mind. Telepathy This is the ability to communicate with people using mental powers. Thoughts can be transmitted to another person without the aid of normal methods of communication. Precognition This is the ability to know future events. Psychometry This is where the advisor knows things by holding an object in his/her hand. Methods and Tools A psychic advisor uses several methods and tools to effectively use his/her psychic abilities. These tools can be astrology, palmistry, numerology, runes, tarot cards, scrying, dowsing, and so on. Each of these tools is a specific method to access information about the questions of the client. For example, palmistry looks at the lines on the client's hand to gain information about the client's past, present, and future. A psychic advisor may also possess the ability to know these things intuitively by holding the person's hand. Choosing the Right Psychic Advisor When one is in a problem and looking for solutions, one looks everywhere. There are so many people offering their services on different levels to solve problems of people. But then, along with the good, there are the bad. Just as you have genuine people giving genuine advice, you can also meet fraudulent people who are cheating innocents for money. So, first and foremost, see how much the advisor is charging you. There is no definition of what is a reasonable fee or charge. There are also different kinds of thoughts about whether a psychic advisor should charge in the first place. However, the basic thought process should be that nothing is given free. The advisor uses his/her energy to help you, and a lot of thought has usually gone into the questions mentioned above by the advisor himself/herself. Ideally, the advisor has come to the conclusion by placing, what he/she thinks is a reasonable value, on his/her energy spent on you. If both you and the advisor think that the charges are acceptable, then go ahead. The next thing is to see what advice is generally being given. Is there a catch? Does the advisor tell you that he/she will cast a spell or brew a potion to get you what you want? Does that involve an additional fee? Or does the advisor understand your problem and advise you to take action to make the situation better via his psychic tools? Sometimes, people go to advisors for remedies like gemstones, spells, and potions. Does the advisor tell you, in this case, whether he/she does offer these kinds of remedies, and the additional fees (if any), before taking your money? Another important thing to look out for is to see whether the advisor wants or asks you to come back again. Is the advisor trying to make you independent of him/her or does he/she encourage you to become dependent on him/her? There are no miraculous cures. No spell, no candle, no potion, and no gemstone will work, if you don't believe it to work. All these things affect you on a psychological level more often than not. A stone may suit you or not. Genuine gemstone sellers will encourage you to keep the stone with you for a week or so, before you make a ring or pendant. Of course, there are times when an advisor will tell you something that you don't want to hear. Often, the advice may conflict with what another advisor may have told you. Does this mean that either was wrong? Maybe. Then again, maybe not. There is no guarantee of 100% accuracy with psychic abilities. There are things which psychic advisors can see, or feel, which may not have a time-line attached to it. Some advisors have a long term view of things. Some see or get an immediate feel of things. It is simply a question of faith and belief.

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