career goals examples of career goals

Career Goals: Examples of Career Goals

A career means a profession or field one chooses to make a livelihood. A properly planned career will take us a long way and stand us in good stead, and for this it is vital to have career goals. Here are a few examples of career goals to help you chart out a career plan.

This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything. - Scott Reed An important step in life, is setting career goals and working towards them. These goals can be short-term goals that we plan for the coming months or within the year, or they may be long-term goals that we look forward to in say, the next 5 or more years. 3 Steps to Success Goals are set on various levels -
  1. First, you decide what you want to be/do in life.
  2. Second, you split them into smaller goals/targets that you have to achieve, which will make the road easier to tread, to reach your ultimate goal.
  3. Third, and most importantly, once you have chalked out a proper plan, start working towards achieving it.
Enlisting the various career goals that you wish to achieve is a systematic and step-by-step way of achieving what you desire career-wise. The following career objective examples can be useful in setting different sorts of goals, that many of us postpone for another time.
Achievable Career Goals
  • Aiming at acquiring enough expertise in the given field/industry so as to enable you to start your own business.
  • Choosing a hobby or any such activity that you are passionate about, to take into a profession.
  • Getting a promotion.
  • Initiating your willingness to quit your current job, and take up a new one.
  • Trying to feel happy about work, in general.
  • Putting on priority the skills you will learn.
  • To set your goal of doubling productivity or sales.
  • To come up with a unique brand, all on your own.
  • To balance work with other personal activities.
  • Aiming for a raise.
Short-Term Career Goals
Accomplishing a successful career takes several years, with many steps in between that you need to overcome. So, in addition to a long-term vision, it is important that you lay for yourself some short-term goals, which will eventually lead you to your ultimate dream goal. Now, short-term career goals are the ones you set for yourself to follow on a daily basis. These are the goals that you follow to help you in small ways. Though these may sound trivial, having short-term goals will help you in the long run. Here are a few examples of the goals you need to keep in mind for the immediate present.
  • To reply to emails from clients and seniors every day.
  • To keep your workplace neat and tidy, to help unclutter not just your space, but mind.
  • To manage time properly.
  • Not to exceed break timings.
  • To be interactive with coworkers, and make an effort to get to know them.
  • To spend quality time with the employees, if you are at a managerial position.
  • Make it a point to be cheerful at work.
  • To excel at the current project you are working on.
  • To increase your speed and proficiency.
  • To learn a new skill like a computer program or skill.
  • Not to keep work pending for the next day or next week.
  • To make time for your hobbies.
  • To update your resume.
  • To make credible contacts for more job-related information.
  • To take up freelance work to build on your existing qualifications.
Long-Term Career Goals
Your long-term career goals help you to know how involved and serious you are, about building your career. A person with a clear vision of the future will not find it difficult to answer this question. But many freshers, who have ventured into a new field, usually get stuck when asked, "Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?". The long-term goals are actually based on the short ones only, but are things we need to keep in mind, and work towards in respect of our career in the long run.
  • To strategically move into a position where you can lead a team.
  • To be able to double the profits of the organization within a specific time period, or start your own business.
  • To save enough money to enjoy a comfortable retirement.
  • To gain as much knowledge as possible and satiate your thirst for knowledge.
  • To convert your hobby into a business.
Examples for a Resume
While mentioning your career goals in a resume, it is of extreme importance to be employee-centric. The employers should be able to gauge your seriousness in acquiring the job and should see you as a potential employee, who will add value to the organization. Mentioned here are some career goal examples that you can pen down for your potential employers, to help them understand your aims and ambitions.
  • You can highlight how setting long-term career goals are more achievable when they are broken into short-term career goals, which are more tangible.
  • You can say that your short-term goal is to find a position in a stable company, like the one you have applied for, and where you will have growth opportunities which you will make utmost use of, with your expertise.
  • You can also mention that you are comfortable being a team player. And as a part of the team you can coordinate well with others which will in turn, help the team, excel.
Career goals help us to retain our focus and shape our lives the way we want. So take your life into your own hands. Spend a few minutes to sit back and contemplate over where you want to be in the future, and chart out a plan for your life with the help of the examples given above. May success be yours!

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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