capuchin monkey habitat

Capuchin Monkey Habitat

Capuchin monkeys are highly adaptable and hence, can survive almost anywhere. In this Buzzle article, we will learn about their habitat and its influence on their diet and behavior.

Capuchin monkeys are classified under the genus Cebus and are a part of the group of New World monkeys. They are lean and agile, and weigh between 3 to 9 pounds. Usually, they are dark brown in color, with cream or light tan fur around their neck, face, and shoulders. The hair on their back is shorter compared to other body part. Their face can either be white, pink, or a mixture of these two colors. They have a long tail, full of thick hair, which they can wrap around branches to a certain extent. Capuchins are arboreal and diurnal just like their peers. Throughout the day, they spend time searching for food and only take a short nap in the afternoon. At night, they rest on trees, packed between branches. Cats, snakes, and falcons are considered to be grave foes of this species. There is no particular habitat for the capuchins, as they are highly undemanding. These monkeys are said to be the most intelligent among all New World monkeys. Habitat of Capuchin Monkeys As mentioned earlier, the exact habitat range is not known. As for their geographical range, it is known to span Honduras, Brazil, Paraguay, and Peru among other regions in Central and South America. These monkeys prefer to stay in large groups of about 10 to 40 members. Though they are primarily forest dwellers, they can conveniently adapt themselves to other places. All group members hunt for feeding grounds. These monkeys can jump as high as 3 meters, which helps them move about in their native habitat. They dip their hands and feet in urine to leave a scent, which helps them identify their territory. They often stay on tree tops and only get down for drinking water. How Does Their Habitat Affect Their Diet? Capuchins mostly eat insects, but apart from that, they also enjoy eating fruits, bird eggs, flowers, small lizards, nestling squirrels, and plant materials; which makes sense considering that their habitat is mainly in forested regions. These monkeys are also able to eat ants, grasshoppers, and cicadas. They prefer eating ripe fruits and even go to the extent of checking it to see if it is suitable for consumption. For softer fruits, these monkeys eat flesh, drink the juice, and throw away any unwanted part. For animals, they are surprisingly discriminating when it comes to their food. Do Capuchins Make Good Pets? Capuchin monkeys are highly intelligent animals and thus, people think they would make great pets. But that is far from true. Compared to cats and dogs, monkeys are wild in nature and take time adjusting to conditions at home. They are highly instinctive and can bite as well. Capuchins are social animals who love being around other monkeys and therefore, there are chances they could die if left alone for a long time. This does not mean they cannot be kept as pets. It can be done when the owner is ready to take care of the animal and satisfy all its needs.
  • Before getting the monkey, buy and store everything he will need.
  • When the monkey gets home, take it around the house to familiarize it with the surroundings.
  • Try keeping it on a couch and scratching its hair, so that he remembers how his mother use to care for him.
  • Create a small enclosure and fix a gate to protect it. Keep the money in it and give it a few toys to play around with.
  • Stay a little away and let it play on its own for a while.
While that will be enough for the initial part when he is just brought, you can read in detail about capuchin monkey care and learn more about the caring aspect. Due to the flexibility in capuchin monkey's habitat and the high reproductive rate they boast of, these monkeys are able to survive in most places.

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