can you get student loans without a cosigner

Can You Get Student Loans Without a Cosigner?

Most college aspirants would like to know if they can get student loans without a cosigner. So, read on to know more about how to apply for such loans.

Going to a college is an expensive business. You might have started raising for your college fund right from high school itself, only to find that it barely covers your tuition fees for a single semester. The problem that most college students face is that they cannot opt for private loans due to lack of credit history and no cosigner, while Federal loans often do not cover all expenses. Nonetheless, Federal student loans could be your best option if you have no cosigner. Getting student loans without a cosigner is very much possible for those with no credit history and low income. How Can You Get Student Loans Without a Cosigner? Although, it is very much possible to get a student loan without a cosigner, the probability of getting such a loan for any average student is very low. You may find yourself running from one institution to the other for getting your loan approved. Private institutions do not offer student loans without cosigners. They have strict specifications for credit scores. As students can never fulfill the high credit score requirement on their own, they often have to get a cosigner. In face, private institution may approve your loan only if your cosigner fulfills their strict requirements. Thus, banks that offer student loans with no cosigner are very rare. Federal student loans is your only option of getting student loans without cosigner. For becoming eligible to a Federal student loan, you need to fill Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This can be your first step towards obtaining Federal grants. It is recommended that you fill FAFSA every year as the specifications change every year. Besides, the specifications and eligibility criteria may vary for each state. You will be required to submit your parents' documents as well as your own income tax return documents, if you are working. Stafford loans and Perkins loans are best student loans if you are not a non-traditional student. Stafford loans are of two types; subsidized and unsubsidized. If you can prove that you are a needy student with very low income, you may become eligible for subsidized loan without a cosigner. The interest rate for a subsidized loan is very less. However, Stafford loans are just enough to cover your tuition fees. You may have to look for another option for funding your college education in addition to this. Perkins loans are often given to students who are very much in need. Low income students can avail these loans. Perking loans offer an interest rate of only 5%. Besides, the loan repayment period is more for Perkins loans than Stafford loans. However, these loans are only to be given to students who are in dire need of funds for their education. For becoming eligible to Federal loans, you may have to produce a record of your class attendance. Although, credit score is not the criteria for these loans your grades may matter a lot when it comes to approval. Sometimes, getting a cosigner might be actually a good idea. If you have a cosigner with good credentials, you can actually avail low interest rates. Without a cosigner, you may have to bear very high interest rates as you do not have good credit score to prove your creditworthiness to finance institutions. Thus, student loans without a cosigner should be considered as a last resort, only if you really do not get a cosigner. You can also look out for scholarships and grants, which do not require a payback.

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