calories burned walking vs running

Walking Vs. Running: Which Burns More Calories?

There is a tug of war between number of calories burned while walking vs. calories burned by running. On doubt, both the forms of exercise are helpful, but which of them is more effective, let's find out.

The number of calories burned due to any activity, depends upon the weight of the person, the activity one undertakes and the intensity level, while performing the activity. When the intensity of the activity is higher, you will naturally be working harder and expending more energy and thereby burning more calories, than someone who is not working at the same activity. A lot of people, also have questions regarding the number of calories burned while speed walking vs. running. Calories Burned Walking as Against Calories Burned Running Calculating the exact number of calories burned by walking vs. running, you will require sophisticated equipment. Hence, make a note of the fact, for most part, we will have an estimate, of how many calories are burned by walking and calories burned while running. There are a few variables, which will help us in the endeavor. The variables include, your weight, the distance you will walk or run, the speed at which you will walk or run and the effort, you put into your walk or run. For example, if you are walking or running uphill,then it is obvious, that you will be expending a lot more calories as compared to walking downhill or on a straight surface. Calories Burned by Walking for One Mile The speed at which you walk, will have an important role to play in determining the number of calories burned. The approximate calories burned while walking for a mile are 100 at a constant good pace. The number of calories burned by walking on an incline will naturally be much more, than walking on a straight surface. Calories Burned by Running for a Mile Like I have mentioned earlier, speed will play a crucial role in determining the number of calories burned running one mile. Approximately 120 calories are burned running for a mile at a decently good and constant pace. If you run on an incline, you will certainly burn more calories. Calories Burned by Walking Upstairs Walking up and down the stairs is a good exercise to burn calories. Approximately 300 calories can be burned by walking the stairs for about 30 minutes. Doesn't that sound like a considerable large number? However, it definitely is a lot of hard work. Calories Burned by Running Upstairs The number of calories burned running up the stairs is almost double the number of calories burned while walking up the stairs. However, it may cause intense pressure on the knees, hence, often it is not advised. Although, there is a difference between number of calories burned walking vs. running, it is important to choose the activity, which suits your physical condition better. It is necessary, that you do spend some time exercising as compared to none. Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.

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Причины для игры в клубе

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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