body piercing aftercare

Body Piercing Aftercare

If you're planning to get your body pierced, it is important that you know about its aftercare. Following the instructions carefully is extremely crucial for proper as well as speedy recovery of the piercing. This Buzzle article gives you some tips on taking care of the piercing during the healing period.

Though body piercing was a part of many ancient cultures, it started diminishing due to Westernization. However, in the recent years, it has gained immense popularity, especially among young girls and boys, who consider piercing as a greatest style statement. Among the different types of piercings, the most common ones include, ear, nose, cartilage, navel, lip, and oral piercings. Whatever type of piercing one chooses, if one wants the piercing to sustain on the body for a long time, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions given by the piercer, carefully. However, many people ignore it, only to end up with an infected piercing. To avoid this, it is essential to know about its prescribed aftercare. Instructions The healing period is a crucial time when it comes to body piercing. One must understand that piercing is conducted by perforating the chosen area with a needle. This makes the pierced area similar to an injury or a surgical wound. Hence, the aftercare has to be taken seriously, so that no complications arise during the healing period. Here are some tips that you have to follow during the healing period of your piercing. Clean the Area The most important part of the process is to keep the piercing clean by washing it regularly. You have to clean your piercing thoroughly with a mild, antibacterial liquid soap at least 2-3 times a day. However, never clean your piercing without washing your hands, because dirty hands can give rise to infections. Once you have washed your hands, soak a cotton ball in warm water and wipe the pierced area gently, to remove the crusts that have formed around it. Then, take some liquid soap in your hands and apply it on your piercing and the area around it, with your fingertips. Lather the soap thoroughly and while cleaning, it is necessary to rotate the jewelry piece gently, to clean the area inside the jewelry. When you are sure that the soap has reached the entire area, rinse it well with warm water and then, dry it with a paper towel. Use Sea Salt Soaks Apart from cleaning the pierced area with antibacterial soap, it is equally important to apply some sea salt soaks on the piercing. In a clean cup, take a pinch of sea salt, not more than 1/8 teaspoon and add 3 ounces of warm or hot water to it. Mix the solution well and then gently, apply it on the pierced area with the help of cotton balls. Let the solution sit on the area till the water begins to cool. Though it is fine to use sea salt soaks twice a day, you should increase the usage if your piercing becomes irritated. Another important thing that you have to remember is that you should not use anything else than sea salt. In other words, using iodized, kosher, or table salt can cause irritation and may lead to infection, at times. Things to Avoid Apart from the above-mentioned things, it is also important to know about the things that you have to avoid to prevent the occurrence of any kind of infection. One of the most crucial things that you have to remember is that you should not touch your piercing, except when you have to clean it. Unwanted touching can expose the piercing to bacteria, which can give rise to an infection. Also, other than antibacterial soap and sea salt soaks, it is not advisable to use any other things to clean the pierced area. Though there are people who advise the use of rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, neosporin, etc. on the piercing, they should be strictly avoided as they can prolong the healing process. Another thing that you have to keep in mind is that you should not remove your piercing under any circumstances, as it can lead the hole to close in. If you want to remove the jewelry piece, get it done by your piercer. You must remember that if you want to flaunt your body piercing for a long time, you have to take extra care. However, you should avoid too much cleaning of your piercing as it can also lead to infection.

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