blue ankle

Causes of Ankle Blueness

If you have a painful blue ankle, it might be an indicator of an underlying health problem. This article will talk about causes and treatment methods of this medical condition.

A blue ankle can be an indicator of a myriad of health problems. This article lists the various causes and the ways in which this condition can be treated. Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Methods Ankle is the joint which connects the leg with the foot. So, it is one of the most important joints in the body. The causes of this ankle condition are many, according to the physiological condition that leads to it. Here, I list the accompanying symptoms, along with the cause, and treatment method. Ankle Injuries Ankle injuries, like sprains and fractures, can lead to a blue coloration. These are common types of injuries among people and especially sportsmen. The sprain or fracture needs immediate medical attention. If, besides blueness, there is extreme swelling with intense pain, it is definitely either a fracture or a sprain. Treatment: Apply an ice pack to the ankle, as soon as possible, and keep the injured leg in a raised position. In case of a bone injury, ligament tear, or sprain in the ankle, one should immediately contact an orthopedic doctor. After assessing the degree and kind of damage through an x-ray scan, the doctor will provide you with a splint or a fiber cast that will restrict movement in that part for a while. Fractures heal naturally and the orthopedic doctor will only position the bones rightly. In case of ligament tears or major fractures, surgery may be required. Diabetes Such a condition might be the result of diabetes, as it reduces blood flow. The blood flow to the ankle area may have been affected. This may result into deprivation of oxygenated blood to the ankle, leading to blueness and cold feeling in not just the ankle, but in the whole foot. Treatment: Protect your foot from cold and check it regularly for any injuries. The treatment of diabetes, coupled with physiotherapy will reduce the problem. Consult a doctor, if the symptoms persist. Coagulopathy A blue ankle might be caused due to coagulopathy. It is a condition which causes the blood to coagulate either too slowly or too fast. Treatment: Contact a doctor as soon as possible. Coagulopathy can have various causes. The treatment will depend on the cause. One of the treatment methods is clotting factor transfusion. Peripheral Vascular Disease This condition, accompanied with persistent pain and numbness, may indicate the onset of peripheral vascular disease. It causes an obstruction in the arteries, leading to skin blueness, which is an indicator of oxygen deprivation. It may be caused by diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol levels, or high blood pressure. Treatment: Consult a doctor immediately, in case you are experiencing the above symptoms, along with blue coloration. Treatment may involve surgery in extreme cases or just medications, along with dietary and lifestyle changes. Hypothermia This condition might be an indicator of hypothermia setting in. The hands become numb, the movement is sluggish, and breathing becomes quick and shallow. This usually happens when the body is exposed to intense cold and is unable to maintain the body temperature. Treatment: Treatment involves subjecting the body to warmth and assisting the body in breathing. Venous Insufficiency This may also be the result of a medical condition called venous insufficiency. This happens when the leg veins are unable to pump oxygenated blood, back to the heart and it accumulates, causing the blueness. The calves tighten and legs feel heavy, achy, and tired. Treatment: A severe chronic case of venous insufficiency will require surgery and the treatment is complicated. Contact a doctor, as soon as possible, if you experience this kind of a problem regularly. Take adequate rest and avoid standing for too long. So, having listed the causes and treatment methods for this condition, I would say that it is an indicator of many deeper health problems. Do not ignore this condition and see to it that you get the problem diagnosed and treated, well in advance.

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