best video editing software

Best Video Editing Software

Here is a guide to the best video editing software and apps, that will help you to edit home videos or pro edit large projects.

There are many video editing software available today, some are for free, some can be used for a trial period of 30 days. If you are looking for a basic software, then there is no need to purchase one, because you can find a decent one online for free. However, if you are looking for a professional software for better editing, which makes your work look more polished, then use will need to invest in a good pro software. Such software allow to add many transitions and alter the video in many ways to create dramatic effects. There is no way to tell which is the best editing software, as it all depends on how efficient the user found the software to be. Some people can handle complex interface for editing, while some prefer a simpler one. Listed below, are the best features of these software; out of which you can download a free or trial version of a software, whose features impress you the most.
Top 'Pro' Video Editing Software
Avid Media Composer 6.5 Avid Media Composer is a reputed package, and has been used for editing many Hollywood films. It one of the best quality editing software, and comes around $2,300. It comes with many advanced features. It allows HD and SD editing, loaded with many powerful tools, and is compatible with Mac and Windows. Final Cut Pro X Many Hollywood movies have been edited using this software. It supports non-linear and non-destructive editing of many formats. You can easily mix video files of different formats and resolutions without having to spend time recording these files. This software has extensive tools for color correction and filtering. It is priced $300. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 This is an excellent software which allows you to do all the possible video and audio editing. The interface might appear a bit complex, but once you get it, you can manipulate the videos and audios in no time. It works virtually with any format, and hence is a very flexible editing software for professionals. This software is a bit expensive, as its cost around $800. Sony Vegas Pro 12 The latest version is better as the video rendering speed has improved. This is one of the best package that allows professional HD video editing, audio editing and DVD authoring. It also comes with a professional Blu-Ray disc authoring feature and Vegas Pro Workflow which allows the user to customize their editing station requirements. The price of this software is $600.
Best Video Editing Software for 'Beginners'
CyberLink PowerDirector 11 Deluxe This software is the top choice for professional video editing, and it comes for a competitive price of $50. One of the best thing about CyberLink PowerDirector is that it has a strong online community of users that keep sharing special editing techniques which gives it an edge. It has a complex interface, but once you get used to it, you will find it very efficient. Adobe Premiere Elements 11 This software has been popular for many years, and many people prefer it. It is compatible with Mac and PC interface, which adds to its popularity. Though, it is a bit complicated it does offer many features, which help in editing videos minutely. It comes for a price around $100. Pinnacle Studio 16 Pinnacle Studio 16 is another great software for editing. It comes with loads of effects, transitions and other features. It comes with three audio tracks, which allow for better sound editing. It is suitable for small projects, however it has limited audio and video tracks so it might not be suitable for large projects. It is priced around $60. Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 comes for a price $70. It comes with useful tools which help to make videos quickly. It has a good collection of effects and has 2D and 3D tilting feature. It also comes with a new Motion Tracking feature, with which you can move objects on screen while attaching graphics to it. Sony Movie Studio Platinum Suite 12 This is another leading software when it comes to creating 3D videos. You can view the videos with a basic pair of 3D glasses. Though, this software is a bit complex and it takes time getting used to it; it does deliver great 3D videos. You can convert normal 2D videos to 3D using it. It costs around $80. MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Plus MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Plus is priced around $100. It allows to export and import 3D files. It is loaded with effects and templates. There is also a library with many audio files, which you can use to merge with your videos. It's compatible with AVCHD and Blu-ray. So, if you want to create a 3D film and add lot of special effects to it then this software is a good choice.
Top 'Free' Video Editing Software
Microsoft Movie Maker This is a free editing software which comes by default on all Windows computers. This Microsoft software allows basic editing. It's a great software for beginners. It has an easy to navigate interface, and good for creating photo slide shows. However, this software crashes quite frequently which can get frustrating at times. VirtualDub This is one of the most popular free software for video editing. It is not a powerful software, but is good enough for basic video editing. It works with AVI files. You can clean up and trim a video with it. This software also comes with many good filters. Pinnacle VideoSpin This software is not entirely free, because if you want good input or output support then you will need to buy the codec pack. But, the good news is the pack costs only $15. This is a simple software and easy to use, and the edited videos looks good. You can export the videos directly to YouTube with it. Wax Wax has a great performance and allows flexible video editing. It started as a college project, and has grown since. It allows unlimited video and audio tracks with top down compositing. If you are looking for a complex video editing software which is free of cost, then Wax is a top choice.
Best 'Apps' for Video Editing
Magisto This is one of the best app for video editing. It is very simple to use, and the output is really great. You can select videos and songs and merge them to make great videos. iMovie This app works with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. This app has a simple and neat interface. You can simply drag audios, videos, or images in it. It provides a timeline, and you can arrange the files in any order you like. Viddy This is a popular app, and often compared to Instagram because you can add lots of special effects to your video with one click. It comes with three free effects which are vintage, black and white and crystal which creates a shimmering type of effect. Lapse It Pro If you want to create time-lapse videos, then use Lapse It Pro. It allows you to capture time-lapse videos, and add various cool effects to it. You can even flip or trim your videos using it. Socialcam It allows you to create videos, and you can choose from nine cool effects to edit the videos. It is easy to use and very popular. It has a simple interface and controls. The above software do a good job of video editing, however, it is important that you remember that editing is a skill and software is merely a medium. Hence, to do a better job at editing, read or watch few video editing tutorials. They will provide you with enough insight for better editing. Most software come with their own tutorials which you can refer to. These tutorials will guide you through stepwise video editing, using the tools of the particular software.

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