treatment for sinus infection in children

Treatment for Sinus Infection in Children

Sinus infection in children is usually treated with antibiotics and decongestants. However, home remedies such as inhalation of steam and drinking hot liquids can equally contribute to eliminate sinus infections.

Sinus infection is a condition in which the sinuses get inflamed. It is the result of bacterial growth in the sinuses. The invasion of bacteria causes excess mucus production, which eventually blocks the sinus and the nasal passages. Sinus infection in children is relatively uncommon as compared to adults. Common cold and exposure to allergen are some of the causes behind sinus infection. Children affected with sinusitis are likely to complain about headache, pain around eyes, and trouble breathing. Sinus Infection Treatment in Children Relieving children from sinus trouble involves implementing a number of treatment methods, some of which are discussed below: Antibiotics As sinus infections are bacterial in nature, a prescribed antibiotic dosage usually of amoxicillin can certainly help to cure sinusitis in children. In case, symptoms do not subside, higher dosage of amoxicillin will be recommended or else a stronger antibiotic such as Augmentin ES and Ceftin is given. Amoxicillin belongs to the class of penicillin family and there are children allergic to antibiotics in penicillin group. In such circumstances, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics like Zithromax and Clarithromycin. Generally, the child is put on antibiotics for a period of 7 days to get rid of the infection. Decongestants Decongestants that are sold in the form of nasal sprays and nose drops help to reduce the inflammation of the sinuses. Children with stuffy nose and nasal congestion have reported considerable amount of relief from these decongestants. However, using decongestants for a short duration is recommended as too much use can aggravate the symptoms. Steam A 10-15 minute session of steam inhalation therapy can make breathing easier. It is a powerful remedy to combat nasal and chest congestion associated with sinusitis. Increase Intake of Hot Beverages Blocked sinuses are mainly responsible for nasal congestion. The clogged sinuses resulting from built up of mucus cause breathing problems. Drinking hot beverages like tea and soup help to liquefy the mucus. This in turn promotes mucus drainage, which is essential to unblock the sinuses. Giving piping hot tea 3-4 times in a day to children is an effective remedy to get relief from sinusitis. Garlic Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic and therefore can benefit to get rid of this infection. For effective results, children can have one or two raw fresh cloves. Another way to derive benefits of garlic is to crush one or two garlic cloves and mix it in soup. Garlic pills can also be used to relieve the infection. Horseradish Horseradish can also be very effective to unclog the sinuses. Its anti-bacterial properties help to reduce the inflammation of sinuses. Besides being a powerful antibiotic, horseradish can be useful to loosen the thick mucus. With this pungent herb, the mucus become thin and watery, thus promoting its expulsion. So, runny nose after taking this herb is an indication of mucus elimination, which benefits to reduce the pressure on the sinuses. In order to use this herb, add ground horseradish to the soup to get relief from this infection. Ginger Having ginger juice that is extracted by pressing grated ginger into a cheese cloth, benefits to ease sinusitis. Just a teaspoon of ginger juice twice daily is enough to eliminate the infection. Sinusitis Soup Although any hot soup works to alleviate sinus infection, doctors often recommend a special soup that is prepared by adding different herbs. Patients have reported that soup containing ingredients like hot pepper, ginger, onion, and horseradish is a powerful combination to cure sinus infection naturally in children. A point to note here is that although there are plenty of options to treat this infection, one should consider the comfort level of the child before starting any treatment. For instances, the child might not be comfortable eating raw garlic cloves. Therefore in such cases, adding them in the soap is advised and considered to be equally effective. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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