tanzanite jewelry care

Tanzanite Jewelry Care

Caring for tanzanite jewelry well is very essential as it is a sensitive stone prone to scratches and breakage. Some simple tips on caring for such jewelry have been listed here.

Tanzanite is a beautiful gemstone that comes in a rare blue-lavender color. Discovered in Tanzania and having gained a lot of popularity only in recent years, this gemstone has now become a part of various types of jewelry such as earrings, pendants, bracelets and rings. These stones are usually combined with diamonds to elicit a rich, elegant. As beautiful as it is, tanzanite as a gemstone is also very sensitive. It stands at 6.5 to 7 Moh's on the hardness scale, which means it can easily scratch and crack if dropped or left unguarded. To protect this gemstone, you should follow some precautionary measures, and make sure it lasts as long as you can make it last. Take a look at this simple guide on tanzanite jewelry care that will help you. How to Take Care of Tanzanite Jewelry As mentioned earlier, tanzanite is a very sensitive stone and cannot stand in high pressure or stress. While cleaning it regularly is important, it is also important that you take good care of this beautiful gemstone. Here are some very essential tips that you should follow while caring for tanzanite jewelry.
  • First and foremost, tanzanite jewelry is not something you wear regularly or on a daily basis. It is not resilient enough to tolerate the wear and tear of say housework, and should be worn for short periods or on special occasions.
  • If you do want to wear the jewelry at home, make sure you do not wear it while doing the dishes or engaging in any kind of work that involves the use of water.
  • Another reason why tanzanite jewelry should be worn carefully is because it can scratch very easily when it comes into contact with other objects. As such, keep this beautiful jewelry for those special occasions.
  • When wearing this jewelry for special occasions, ensure that it is the last thing you wear. In essence, you should wear it after you are done styling your hair, wearing your clothes and makeup, and after you have washed your hands after using all these products. Any contact with acidic products will have the stone lose its shine.
  • Do not expose your tanzanite jewelry to extreme heat as it is likely to crack. Similarly, do not take it into extreme cold to prevent it from cracking.
  • Do not wear this jewelry when going swimming, while working out, or when going to the beach. In such circumstances, the exposure to the water will have it lose its luster and shine.
  • Every so often, say within the duration of 6 months to 1 year, you should have your tanzanite jewelry checked as it is possible that it may have loosened from its metal setting.
  • Store tanzanite jewelry separately from other jewelry because of its ability to get scratched easily. If storing in a box, first put a layer of cotton, place the jewelry on it, and then place another layer of cotton on top of it. You may then close the box and keep it.
How to Clean Tanzanite Jewelry Cleaning tanzanite jewelry requires as much caution as caring for it. There is a specific procedure that is used to clean it, that has been spelled out here.
  • Make a tepid solution of one cup of water and a two teaspoons of a mild detergent.
  • Place your jewelry in it and allow it to soak for about fifteen minutes.
  • Take an old toothbrush with very soft bristles to clean the jewelry.
  • Remove the jewelry from the solution and gently rub the brush over the jewelry to remove any kind of dirt that may be stuck in it.
  • Use a soft cotton cloth to dry the jewelry. Even after you have cleaned it dry, allow it to remain outside for a few minutes till it has dried thoroughly. If you wish to polish the stone, use the same cotton cloth to rub the stone gently till it shines.
By following the aforementioned steps, you can protect your tanzanite jewelry for a longer time, and flaunt it whenever you desire. It does take a little effort, but the care is only as good as precious as the gemstone is.

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