stress relievers for men

Stress Relievers for Men

In the list of stress relievers for men, this Buzzle article should be given the top slot! It not only takes you through all the causes and symptoms of stress, but also provides you with the best ways to relieve stress. Keep reading.

Almost anything in life can cause stress. But stress, in itself, is not a very serious problem. It may create problems if you don't do anything about it. Increased competition, family and relationship matters, work tension, financial problems, deteriorating health, loss of a family member or friend, etc., are some of the most pronounced causes of stress these days.
Did You Know Stress is Good?
Well, it is supposed to be, but living life in the fast lane ensures that it defies its original purpose. It's like food, which is also supposed to be good, but if we overeat, it causes sickness or other long-term problems. When your body detects an impending danger, difficulty, or problem, it releases certain hormones, the results of which are, increased heart rate, extra alertness, etc. This is called the "fight or flight" mechanism. Once you decide whether to deal with the problem or to avoid it, your body returns to normal state. Problem arises when such situations start occurring over and over again, for longer durations.
Symptoms of Stress and Anxiety
Along with the familiar uneasy feeling in your stomach, stress can cause-
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Indigestion
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration
It also affects the immune system, so you are more prone to infectious diseases, when you are struggling with targets. More serious effects of stress can include-
  • Heart rhythm irregularities
  • Angina (severe chest pain)
  • High blood pressure
  • An increased risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Sleep problems
  • Obesity
  • Panic attacks
Enough negative talk! Let's proceed to the stress relievers for men.
Natural Stress Relievers
Unplug Every Sunday afternoon, I make it a point to unplug myself totally, for around 5 hours. That is, I clear my surroundings of every piece of technology I have. No cell phone, TV, computer, iPod, etc. Then I sit back and relax. I can't tell you how great it feels. But if you are a very busy person try it for at least a couple of hours. It's the best way to fight off job stress. Quit Smoking, Drinking, and Reduce Beverages Most people know this one, but no one wants to implement it. While some people smoke and drink to "beat" stress. These stimulants increase the heart rate and disrupt sleep, making the situation even worse. They weaken your immune system. This increases the risk of life-threatening diseases like cancer and liver cirrhosis. Meditate Unlike what many people think, meditation is not related to spirituality. It is a simple exercise for the mind. Just like your body needs regular exercise to remain in good shape, your mind does too. The benefits of meditation are numerous. While meditating, your heart rate and breathing slows down, your blood pressure normalizes, and oxygen is used more efficiently. Your immune system improves. Your mind also clears, and your creativity increases. By meditating regularly, you will find it easier to quit smoking, drinking, and drugs. Exercise With regular exercise you can get rid of most of your health related problems. Even a 30 minute walk everyday can be a great stress reducer. Aerobics, dancing, kick-boxing, or swimming, take up any form of exercise that you enjoy, and do it regularly. Exercise stimulates release of hormones. As you know, hormone imbalance can lead to various diseases and disorders. Stress severely affects the production of hormones. Participating in outdoor sports can definitely help lower stress. Yoga Yoga has been around for hundreds of years, and is a proven technique to get a healthier body and mind. Though many books and videos guiding you on this subject are available, you should take advice from a certified yoga trainer before using them. Breathing techniques like Pranayama work great for stress. Have Sex First thing that sex will do is, take your mind off all your worries and issues causing stress. It has been scientifically proven that sex has a positive effect on your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc., the same things that are badly affected, when you are stressed. Music Music is also a great stress relief technique. Research shows that certain audio frequencies can modify your brain activity. We don't have to go into the scientific details to know that we feel happy after hearing a happy song, and sad after hearing a sad one. So try listening to something inspirational or pleasant before you sleep, and you will be a fresh man the next morning. Laughter Laughter helps reduce stress. So, spend more time in the company of your friends and family members. Play with pets and children. These are just a few of the stress relievers that work well. Some other ways to relieve stress can be spending more time in nature, getting a pet, developing hobbies (writing, dancing, drawing, gardening, learning a musical instrument), talking with a friend, counselor, or a clergyman about your feelings, etc. You can develop your own stress relief activities. Any suggestions regarding the article? Drop a comment below. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.

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