stress relief massage

Massage for Stress Relief

Nothing matches up with a good massage to unwind and relax those stiff muscles in the body. Take a look at the benefits and various techniques, to perform a good massage for instant relief from stress, in the following Buzzle article.

Massage therapies and techniques for stress relief, are age-old practices that continue to this day. However, we assume that the only place where they are available, are the expensive spas and parlors. What we don't know is that these techniques can easily be practiced at home. They are easy to learn, and can be given without having to worry about appointments and time limits. A sensuous rub down can do wonders for a worn out and tired body. The Benefits
  • Stress causes a lot of tension in the joints and muscles, making them stiff. A good massage can serve to unwind the body and make the muscles and joints more flexible. It also helps one to identify the areas of maximum tension in the body, thereby, enabling you to nip various problems, such as those of the back and other areas, with various techniques.
  • Since this therapy helps one unwind, it also helps those, who have insomnia. It soothes and calms the nerves, thereby enabling good sleep. Lack of sleep can result in a myriad of health problems, so a good massage is essential for anyone suffering from the same.
  • A regular massage helps cure the stress that results in wearing away of the body and mind over a period. Since, stress has become an inevitable part of all our lives, getting such a therapy, aids us in identifying, to what degree it is a part of our life, and thus, effectively combating it by incorporating a few changes in our lifestyle.
  • In addition to eliminating stress, it also enhances blood circulation throughout the body, and releases endorphins, which provide the body with a general sense of well-being and positivity.
The Techniques For a massage to be effective, the most important role is that of the environment in which it is given. Ensure that the area chosen for the therapy is quiet and soothing. You may play some light music in the background. Light up the room with scented candles; avoid harsh lights, and use aromatherapy oils for massaging, for a better effect. Now, follow these techniques to attain relief:
  1. To begin with, pour some oil on your palms and begin the massage on the back, from the shoulders to the lower back, to be able to spread the oil across, by holding the hands side by side with fingers together, and rubbing the back in a gentle circular motion.
  2. Next, knead the affected muscles with the base of the palm. Push the base hard into the affected area in order to provide maximum relaxation. Be sure, not to hurt the muscles. This technique is effective for stiff and sore muscles, especially in the back, legs, and buttocks. It thoroughly relaxes the muscles and eases the effect of stress on the body.
  3. Lastly, on the more stiff areas, use both the thumbs or index fingers in a circular motion, for about 10 seconds, to release the tension. This process can be repeated a couple of times, till a feeling of relaxation is experienced in the body. Repeat step one to complete the massage, and give an overall sense of calm.
Though these self-massage techniques are useful for the body, some parts such as the back cannot be effectively rubbed down by oneself. As such, it is better to provide this guide to a friend or family member, who can do it for you and help you achieve desired results. Perform some overall body stretches after the therapy to sustain the effect. Do remember, not to get a massage, if you have consumed alcohol at any time in the day, if you have fever, or you have just eaten something. Never consider this therapy as a luxury or something that only the rich can afford. With these techniques and therapies combined with aromatherapy, you can give yourself, your friends and family members an effective, natural stress buster, which they will be eternally thankful for! Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert advice.

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