stage3 kidney disease treatment

Stage 3 Kidney Disease Treatment

Kidney is an internal body organ, that is situated on either side of the spinal cord. They are essential for many functions of the body and malfunction of either one can cause discomfort to a great extent. This article explains the various stages of this disease and effective treatment for the same.

Kidney is an important organ and mainly helps in the functioning of urinary system and regulates the acid base balance and blood pressure. Kidneys filter the wastes, such as urine and ammonium, which is passed into the urinary bladder. These organs also absorb amino acids, glucose and water and also generate hormones such as renin, calcitriol and erythropoietin. Kidney Infections at a Glance Like any other body organ, even kidneys are susceptible to diseases. However, occurrence of diseases could deteriorate the health of the patient. Once the infection turns chronic, it turns into a severe disease and causes great harm to the body. These infections, mainly occur in the urinary tract, which can spread to the kidneys, if left unattended. Therefore, it is essential to attend to the signs and symptoms of kidney infection, to avoid falling into a major health problem. Even the slightest infection can cause damage to the functioning of kidneys and result into a chronic disease. There are 5 chronic disease stages, that eventually result into kidney failure. Once the kidney enters the chronic disease phase, it gradually hinders its functioning. The 5 stages mainly depends on the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is the measure, to check the filtration rate for each stage. In stage 3, the GFR comes to 30 to 59 milliliters per minute. Stage 3 further slows down the functioning of the kidneys. Symptoms Every Disease shows some signs before becoming chronic. Detection of these symptoms can prevent you from chronic disease. Given below are some of the symptoms. Anemia Main function of the kidney is to filter the waste products and push them into the urinary bladder. At stage 3, kidney works slowly and piles up uremic toxins in the blood. The kidneys stop producing erythropoietin hormone and reduces the red blood cells in the body. Less blood cells results into anemia and fatigue. High Blood Pressure Kidneys are known to maintain a healthy blood pressure. As the functioning deteriorates in this stage, the fluids begin to build and cause pressure on the walls of blood vessel. Accumulation of Fluids As the kidney stops filtering the waste fluids, it begins to build up in the body. These fluids mainly begin to accumulate in the hands and legs of the patient and causes difficulty in walking and even reduces blood circulation in the body. Settling of fluids in legs, hands and area around the eyes is known as edema. Treatment Options Chronic diseases cannot be cured. However, the progression of the disease can be slowed down, through third stage kidney disease treatment. A person suffering from third stage kidney disease may acquire diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure. These diseases hinder the functioning of the kidney and push it into the 4th stage and later into the last. Therefore, to avoid getting into serious medical condition, visit a nephrologist, who specializes in renal diseases. These professionals help to extend the functioning of the kidney and prevents the patient from other ailments. Nephrologists also assist the patient throughout the illness and asses the various disease stages. Diet is another step to maintain the health of the patient. A well-balanced diet, that includes less cholesterol and saturated fat can be beneficial for person suffering from chronic disease. Appoint a nutritionist, who can well understand your medical condition and prepare a suitable diet plan for you. Give up on ill eating habits and opt for a moderate exercise regime, that help in blood circulation and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Medical assessment for this stage is very important. The level of creatinine indicates the rate of GFR. Higher the rate, slower the rate of GFR. Level of creatinine can be checked through blood test, which can be conducted after every 14 days. Though, at this stage it is not possible to treat the condition of the kidney, precautions to prolong its functioning can be taken. All the abnormal eating habits and intake of toxins should be stopped. Keep the blood pressure in constant check. Consult your doctor and take the influenza and pneumonia vaccines. Though it is difficult to cure chronic diseases, treatment is available for prolonging the lifespan of kidneys. Besides, the available treatment, a safe and healthy way of living can save you from such fatal chronic diseases.

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