baby shower table decorations

Baby Shower Table Decorations

The baby shower table is the center of attention of the party. It's decorated with themes synonymous to the auspicious occasion along with gifts and presents. Here we have explained the various ways to ornament a baby shower table.

Baby shower is a blissful occasion to welcome the arrival of a baby. The expecting mom is showered with blessings and good wishes and the day is celebrated with utmost joy and happiness. Table decoration is a part of the auspicious ceremony where mostly good luck themes are chosen. The table is placed at the center of the room and is decorated with various types of centerpieces, flowers, cards, candles, balloons, soft toys, and cakes. Such elements endow vibrancy all around and make the occasion auspicious for welcoming the baby. With beautiful decorations, the table becomes the center of attention in a baby shower ceremony. Cakes and Chocolates You can inscribe good luck quotes and auspicious words on the baby shower cake. Place the cake at the center of the table along with delicious chocolates. Pack cookies and candies inside small packets and then wrap them with golden papers. Tie colorful satin ribbons to enhance their attractiveness. You can also fill baskets or spice jars with homemade chocolates, cookies, jellies, and pies. Few examples are potpourri sachets, wildflower seeds, lollipops, donuts, cupcakes, candy canes etc. Another common decorative piece is a diaper cake accessorized with satin bows, ribbons, cards, bells, etc. Floral Centerpieces Table decoration for baby shower is incomplete without floral arrangement. Make the centerpieces with your favorite flowers. You can either use fresh flowers or artificial flowers. Beautiful pots for making centerpieces are available at floral shops. You can adorn clay pitchers, ceramic vases, copper vessels, or glass vases with bright and fragrant flowers. If you are ornamenting with fresh flowers, then I would suggest you buy them on that day itself. You can collect tulips, roses, hydrangeas, peonies, gerbera, carnations, daisies, sweet peas, and freesias for making floral centerpieces. Arrange the flowers beautifully on the table. Soft Toys and Dolls Winnie-the-pooh, scooby doo, bunny, mickey mouse, donald duck, and jumbo are some of the favorite cartoon characters of kids. You can purchase similar figurine stuffed toys to ornament the baby shower table. If you are expecting twins, then you can keep soft toys in pairs (like 2 elephants, 2 rabbits, etc). Purchase dolls and come up with creative ideas to make unique centerpieces with word blocks. You will also find themed medallions in stores which are sold exclusively for decorating baby shower tables. Balloons and Cards Open the cards to expose the quotation and place them beside the cake. Blow up colorful balloons of varied range of shapes and let them float casually over the table. The first option is, draw smiley faces on the balloons and fill them with glitters and petals. When the balloons burst, the petals will shower on you. You can also attach the balloons with the stuffed toys placed on the table. Other Knick Knacks Cover the table with fabric in the shade of pink, sky blue or white. You can place candle centerpieces, knitted baby shoes, baby clothesline, etc. It's better to make arrangement for dining on a separate table so that there's no paucity of space while serving food. Keep a collection of edible party favors on the dining table for your guests. Such items include small jars of honey, baby themed lollipops, candy sticks, spice jars, ice cream cones and fruit baskets. That was all about table decorations for baby shower ceremony. No matter it's a grand party or a small budget party, blessings of your loved ones will indeed make the event auspicious. Plan everything beforehand so that no task is left over after arrival of guests. And then you can enjoy the day with good wishes and merriment galore.

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