awesome dog tag tattoo design ideas

Awesome Dog Tag Tattoo Design Ideas

Many military personnel and their family members get dog tag tattoos for various reasons. Here are some amazing tattoo design ideas, Buzzle thinks, you'd want to see before getting one for yourself.

Did You Know? The usage of the term "dog tags" has been replaced with "ID tags" by the U.S. Army.
An informal designation, dog tags have been named so due to their likeness to actual dog tags. Worn by military personnel, these tags are mostly used for identification. The tags have basic information (blood group, religion, etc.) inscribed on them. The U.S. Armed Forces mandate that everyone wears these dog tags in pairs. If a soldier dies in combat, one of the tags is taken while the other is left behind with the body. This is because, at times during combat, it is difficult to evacuate or airlift fallen soldiers. On the other hand, these dog tags have also made their way into youth fashion. Many people like to inscribe a person's name, an inspirational quote, an important date, or some kind of a logo or a phrase. Either way, dog tags are popular across the world. But these aren't the only way a person can "wear" dog tags. Many people are choosing to get them as a tattoo on their body in order to pay respect or tribute to a loved one. More often than not, the tattoo designs have a pair of dog tags on a ball chain. As you go through the article, you will find some amazing dog tag tattoo design ideas for inspiration.
8 Awesome Tattoo Designs
Now before you take a seat at the tattoo parlor, you have two things to take care of―finding the right design and finalizing the placement for the tattoo. Once you have answers to these two criteria, you can easily move forward with the whole thing. And to help you decide, we have a few suggestions lined up for you below.
Dog Tag Tattoo Around Neck
Dog Tag Tattoo with Praying Hands
Dog Tag Tattoo Around Ankle
Dog Tag Tattoo with Cross and Flag
Dog Tag Tattoo on Shoulder Blade with Roses
Dog Tag Tattoo with American Flag and Eagle
Dog Tag Tattoo on Chest with Fist
Dog Tag Tattoo with Barbed Wire
Important Tips to Remember
Before you make the decision of getting a tattoo, be absolutely sure that the design you've chosen is right for you. Many times, being too excited, we often overlook this essential part. Also, as a good practice, whether this is your first tattoo, or your 10th, pick an experienced and a professional tattoo artist. This tattoo is going to stay with your forever. This means, you don't want to settle with a mediocre artist who may botch the whole thing. If you still feel that you didn't get the design you were looking for, don't hesitate to speak to the tattoo artist for some suggestions. They will be more than happy to come up with a unique design that is right for you. These tattoos are a powerful reminder of the sacrifice given by the soldiers for their country. Commemorate your loved ones who have fallen on the battlefield, and immortalize their memory with this unique gesture.

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