smallest country in the world

Smallest Countries in the World

This article talks about the world's smallest country, along with the smallest ones in the African and the Asian continents.

A country's size is considered to show its sheer strength. The bigger the better is how it usually goes in most cases. But not always, as being small has its advantages, and being the smallest with power, can override both, size and population strength. World's Smallest Country: Vatican City State The Vatican City, one of the most sacred places in Christendom, came into being on 11th February, 1929, with the signing of the Lateran Accords, with the motto, "A small territory with a great mission," which it has fulfilled by being a formidable spiritual venture. The Vatican City State is situated on the Vatican hill, on the right bank of the Tiber River, within the city of Rome and is basically a landlocked sovereign city-state (walled enclave). Its land area approximately totals to 44 hectares (0.44 km sq), and its population is no more than a thousand citizens. The Pope is the ex-officio head of state and head of the government of Vatican City. He enjoys full legal, executive, and judicial powers and is helped by a commission of cardinals who have been appointed by him. The Vatican state has its own army and a unique non-commercial economy. Smallest African Country: Seychelles Seychelles, officially known as the Republic of Seychelles, is an archipelago nation of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. It is located northeast of the Madagascar island and 932 miles east of mainland Africa. The islands were named after Jeanne Moreau de Séchelles, French king Louis XV's Minister of Finance. Its land area approximately adds up to 451 km sq, making it the smallest country in Africa. According to the 2009 estimates, its population is roughly around 84,000. The Seychelles president is both the head of state and head of government. The presidents are elected by popular vote for a five-year term of office. The Seychelles islands are all members of the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), La Francophonie, and the Commonwealth of Nations. The Seychelles economy stands on its tourism sector and fishing. It has bought in some of the toughest environmental legislation's. Smallest Asian Country: Maldives Maldives, officially Republic of Maldives, is an island country formed by 1,190 coral islands grouped in a double chain of 26 atolls, stretching in a north-south direction off India's Lakshadweep islands, in the Indian Ocean. There are still quite a number of islands in the process of formation, while the ones that are existing are also increasing in size. As the islands are exceedingly low leveled, a number of tiny islands have gotten washed away. Its total land area is approximately 298 km sq, with a population of 309,000, according to the 2009 estimates. It is the lowest country in the world, with regards to its ground levels, it's only 1.5 meters above sea level. A multi party democracy, where the President is the head of government and the executive branch. Maldives' economy thrives on tourism and fishing. The 2004 tsunami had a devastating effect on its economy (over 400 million dollars) and the general population.

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