shot put shoes

Best Shot Put Shoes

Choosing the best shot put shoes mainly depends upon the particular putting technique of the player. This article will offer some help in making a better choice.

While thinking about track and field, we mostly consider road running, cross-country running, jumping, etc., sports as its main parts. However, throwing games are also a major constituent of track and field events. One of the popular track and field games of power, strength, and nerve, is of shot put. Shot put is mainly an Olympic sport, and is considered as an athletic sport. The player has to throw (put) a heavy metal ball (shot) in an outward direction and as far as possible. Shot put is a game of strength, and a player needs to wear proper shoes that can carry his weight and promote swift movements while putting the shot. How to Pick Good Shoes for Shot Put There are a few things that you need to understand before you go shopping for shot put shoes for yourself. First of all, consider the foot size. This gets even more important if you are a female. This is because, many times, shoes meant for shot put are available only in male size. It is agreed that shoes for shot put drills are worn for a brief period of time, nevertheless, they should be chosen carefully. You need to check for the detailing done on the shoes that might affect your feet movement, and eventually, performance. Decide whether you want shoes with ankle straps, with lace, or without lace varieties, and then start your search accordingly. Now, the last and the most important point to consider is the technique that you personally follow. There are two basic shot put techniques―the glide technique and the spin technique. If you follow the glide technique, then you need to choose shoes that have a flat and relatively blunt sole. Such soles will let you glide smoothly, and will not let your movements harm your feet. On the other hand, if you follow the spin technique, then you need to choose shoes that are totally smooth and rather bald at the base, and have rounded soles for swift spin.. Reviews Nike Zoom Rival SD Shot Put Shoes These Nike shoes are excellent for entry-level shot put players. The best thing about these shoes is that they can be used by shot put players who play with the glide technique as well as those, who play using the spin technique. These shoes provide excellent support and hence, they are chosen by all. These shoes come with ankle Velcro strap that promotes fitting and prevents slipping. These are one of the best shot put shoes for men and women, and they are pretty inexpensive too! The average cost of Nike Zoom Rival SD is around USD 65. Adidas Men's adiZero Shot Put Running Shoes These Adidas shoes are the best track and field shoes for various sports like shot put and running. These shoes are made of mesh, rubber sole and synthetic upper body. These shoes are excellent for powerful throwers. These shoes provide strong medial support with the adjustable mid-foot strap and added fitting with heal and toe wraps. These shoes are pretty costly than the Nike shoes but still you may get cheap shot put shoes at discount online stores. The average cost of Adidas Men's adiZero Shotput Running Shoes is around USD 99. There are a few other good brands too, like Asics Hyper Throw 2 (USD 55), Asics Cyber Throw Beijing (USD 85), Nike Zoom SD3 (USD 80), New Balance GLD 760 (USD 76), etc.

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