schools that offer graduate programs in bioarchaeology

40 Schools that Offer Graduate Programs in Bioarchaeology

Bioarchaeology has gained a lot of momentum in the past few decades due to many technological advances in this field. More and more individuals are pursuing this stream in a bid to understand human behavior over the course of our sociocultural evolution. This article provides you with a list of all the schools offering graduate programs in bioarchaeology.

Did You Know?
The term bioarchaeology was coined in 1972 by Grahame Clark, and referred to the science of zooarchaeology. It was later redefined by Jane Buikstra in 1977, to imply the study of human remains.
The quality of curiosity is evident throughout the history of humanity in the form of scientific discovery and inventions. It is this very quality that not only leads us to our future but also to our pasts. Humans, as a whole, are curious regarding their ancient origins and ancestral cultures. The field of science that can help sate this curiosity to a certain extent is bioarchaeology. It involves the study of human remains, that are found at archaeological sites, to reconstruct the lifestyles, health concerns, and day-to-day activities carried out in the past. Due to the emergence of this branch of science, scientists have been able to figure out and piece together various aspects of our ancestors' lives. This helps us gain an insight into the path that the course of evolution took and what events occurred along the way. Similar to other recently developed scientific branches, this is a multidisciplinary field that combines various sciences such as paleodemography, paleogenetics, paleo-osteology, and mortuary studies. It often also includes sciences like genetics, metabolomics, etc. Due to this, most universities offer degrees that combine the disciplines of anthropology and archeology, along with their sub-types. One can pursue an education in this field in any of the universities given below.
Schools Offering Graduate Programs in Bioarchaeology
Most of these universities offer M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in anthropology with a core approach of bioarchaeology. The program offered by the Arizona State University is quite sought after, as the department there boasts of the presence of Dr. Jane Ellen Buikstra, a visionary pioneer in this particular field. While choosing a particular graduate program from any of these universities, one must first acquaint oneself with the faculty and their profiles, in order to gain an idea of the type of research that's carried out in that department. Likewise, you should find out about the funding situation, policies regarding field visits, and collaborations, if any, with other research institutes. Also, simultaneously one must familiarize oneself with the application process and the eligibility criteria. It is also a good idea to converse with the faculty, alumni, and the seniors of that department to understand the benefits associated with graduating from those universities. These interactions will also help you discover the employability scenario of that particular degree. Be sure to choose a university that meets your career interests, and one that will help you advance further in your field of study.

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