school experiences you would like to cherish

12 School Experiences You Would Like to Cherish

Thinking about school days are certain to make us nostalgic: those bittersweet memories of school are stored in a special corner of our hearts. This Buzzle article speaks about some school experiences that we go on to cherish forever.

Books that made school-life entertaining! Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
They say that school memories are the best ones of our life, yet, something which can never come back. School life is indeed something that prepares us for the school of life. Well, some people may have a few bad memories of getting bullied, which they would certainly not like to remember. But childhood was the golden tenure of our lives, and something which no one can take away from us. Those fun-filled days when our lives did not run around the clock, our school and studies was the only universe known to us. Innocent crushes, detentions, competing with classmates, and playing various pranks, were indeed some of the beautiful moments we all experienced. If the Harry Potter world was real, I wish I could have my own 'Pensieve', and revisit those memories again. Nevertheless, though that is not possible for us, we can at least have a sneak-peek at those memories. Be it middle-school or high-school, going down memory lane, you might recollect or relate with these memories.
Our locker used to mean the world to us: it was a place of bonding, hiding our secrets, little crushes, sending messages, etc. The locker was a sacrosanct place for us in school days. Wish those lockers come back into our lives again!
Running Across the Corridors
We have been all yelled for doing this, but that's the beauty of childhood. Yet, we could never stop running across the hallway and corridors, much to the dismay of our teachers.
Gossip during class was of utmost importance. Wait for the teacher to turn towards the board, and if we get caught, remember that we're partners in crime! If we get thrown out, we go together. Gossip was an imperative part of high-school, especially.
Oh, doodling was a must in school life, and no one were spared: right from teachers to friends. The last page of the notebook was exclusively meant to display your emotions and frustrations about everything in life.
The Free Period
The free period was the best time of our lives. In short, it was a complete riot. And we all loved being yelled at after the teacher walked into the class.
Passing Notes/Flying Paper Planes
Oh those innocent days of crushes and teen romances that blossomed during high-school, or simply flying paper planes across the class when the teacher was not looking. Can we ever forget all that fun?
Prom Night
We all have had this high-school experience story. Entering adulthood, this day was the most glorious day of high-school life. Remember the jitters and nervous moments of getting a date, the competition to wear the best dress, and of course win the crown. It may seem silly now, but winning at the prom was nothing less than getting an Oscar!
There was always one little brat in school who would be famous for his/her pranks. Though he/she would mean to be a menace to the teachers, secretly, all the teachers would love him/her.
Sleeping in the Classroom
Yes, we always had that one boring lecture in school, and simply could not help dozing off during class. And we always had that one special friend who would save us from getting thrown out of the class, by waking us up just in the nick of time.
School Picnics
Oh what fun those days were, when you did not have to worry about other things in life, and just enjoy our carefree life of childhood. School picnics = 'Fun & frolic' day! Also, camping was a wonderful experience to cherish!
Drawing and Music Classes
We all miss those classes, which broke the monotonous regime, and gave us a chance to explore the creative side in us.
The Class Photograph
Last but not the least, school photographs with the teacher, are witness to those days. Secretly, we all still look at them when we miss our school days.
School experiences and memories are an integral part of our lives, and also the home ground which imparts the first lessons of friendship. We might venture far from our classmates, but true friends always remain there for one another.

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