ring finger tattoos

Ring Finger Tattoos

Looking for cheaper ways to propose to your love? Here are a few ring finger tattoos ideas, which may help you out.

True love lasts forever and so should its mark. Ring finger tattoos are the perfect way of making your love last a lifetime. It's a way of symbolizing your love for eternity and showing it to the world. Moreover, ring tattoos are comparatively cheaper than gold or diamonds rings. This is pretty much the reason why these tattoos are famous amongst young lovers. Knowing the history and significance of the ring tattoo that you want to wear is very important. Here are a few tattoos ideas that you can pick from. Celtic Knot The Celtic knot is probably the oldest Celtic artwork, comprising intricate geometric shapes. Most of the interlaced patterns of Celtic designs represent the connections of endless cycle of the universe and the life it harbors. For instance, the Trinity Knot, which has three points interconnected as a triangle, is a symbol of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The knot is also known as 'Love Knot' as it is known to signify incandescent spirit, eternal life, and never-ending love. The other Celtic knot design is a Triskele, comprising interlocking spirals. These spirals are known to represent fertility, reincarnation, creation, preservation, destruction, commitment, and eternity. Claddagh Ring Claddagh ring, as a tattoo design is very famous. Named after a fishing village called Claddagh, this ring design is a symbol of true love and friendship. The legend has it that a young fisherman, Richard Joyce gave this ring to his love and promised to marry her. However, before the marriage could take place, he was abducted by the pirates. His fiancée refused to believe that he was never going to come back. She waited for five years, until one day he escaped, made his fortune, and returned to his love. Since then, this ring has been a representation of promises and commitment too. The ring consists of two hands holding a crowned heart. The hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty, and the heart is a symbol of unassailable love. Lettering Lettering your fiancé's name is also a great wedding ring finger tattoo. If the name is too long, you can get the meaning of the name tattooed on the finger, like a ring. So you too can wear your lover's name as a tattoo. I Do Instead having a rudimentary wedding like walking down the aisle, exchanging the rings and saying 'I do', get a tattoo! Get yourselves a tattoo which says 'I Do' across your ring finger. Make sure you get the tattoo aftercare from the tattoo artist, to make this inscription last happily ever after. Could there be a better way of being together in pain and in pleasure? I don't think so! So these were some of the tattoo ideas to testify your love's permanence. Before you get a tattoo done, get your partner's opinion on the idea. If your partner does not want to get a tattoo, that does not mean he/she is doubtful of the relationship you share. Tattoos aren't meant for everybody, it's a personal choice. Thus, respect your partner's choice and go ahead with your decision. After all, love is a two way street!

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