restaurant chef job description

Restaurant Chef Job Description

Are you planning to become a successful chef in the hospitality industry? Then you have arrived at the right article, read more on restaurant chef job description.

A restaurant chef is considered as a lifeline of a good restaurant. As a cooking professional and a food expert, he/she is known for working in big luxurious hotels and many times they are also seen working in independent restaurants. As the hospitality industry has witnessed a steady rise in the following years the job opportunities for chefs have also grown considerably. According to experts, the rising hospitality industry needs many jobs and the position of a chef is highly in demand. Job Description A good chef is a symbol of great food which is meant to be eaten and appreciated with all your senses. A professional chef should love food and be a master at making dishes that would make the guests feel like monarchs. An excellent chef can please the human body and soul with tasty and mouth-watering dishes, leaving his/her guests satisfied and at the same time wanting for more. The job description of this cooking expert involves supervising the preparation, cooking and seasoning of fish, meats, soups, salads, vegetables, other foods and desserts. The chef of the restaurant plans the menu and sometimes also decides the price of the menu items. He/she also keeps a track of order supplies and keeps an eye on the records and accounts. The chef supervises and participates in preparing, baking and cooking of various food items. He/she keeps a check of all purchased supplies and of the quality and price of each delivered item. Another important aspect of the job is to maintain safety, hygiene and cleanliness in and around the kitchen. He/She also takes feedback from the customers regarding various dishes and uses the criticism constructively to serve them better food next time. If the chef has a vast experience in the hospitality industry, he/she is also entrusted the job to hire new and fresh talent for the restaurant. Salary The salary range has seen a good and steady rise in the recent years. The salary range of a restaurant chef depends on the skills, experience, qualifications and on the restaurant for which he/she is working. Chefs who have completed their cooking education from famous culinary arts schools are hired by famous chains of restaurants and five-star hotels who have multi-cuisine restaurants in them. The salary range of a chef is $43,599 to $61,717 annually, while a chefs working in restaurants of a luxurious hotel can earn from $45,000 to $72,001 annually. Restaurant Cook Job Description Restaurant cooks are also graduates of culinary art schools and have immense knowledge about cooking. A restaurant cook duties consists of a wide range of activities that start from making a dish till garnishing it. A restaurant cook cleans, chops, cuts and grinds the ingredients to make delicious dishes for customers. They work with ovens, grills and large stoves to make mouth-watering dishes. As the kitchen is an area of high pressure and stress especially at night. A restaurant cook needs to perform many tasks at one time. A job of a restaurant cook requires a lot of physical activity. Sometimes sanitation knowledge is also required as some restaurants have strict sanitation policies. A restaurant cook earns between $23,394 to $25,000 annually. With experience a restaurant cook can become a chef or progress to a management level. A professional restaurant cook is expected to work at nights, weekends and sometimes on holidays because these are the busiest times for a restaurant. A cook can even have a 12 hour shift sometimes. I hope this information on restaurant chef job description was useful to you and has answered all your queries related to this profession. All the best for this career!

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