quick diets that work

Quick Diets that Work

There are several quick diets that work and help in losing weight and belly fat. Here is a list of some of the best weight loss diets.

If you are planning to lose weight fast, then following a diet is very essential. There are several diet plans that advocate losing weight fast and easy merely in a few days or weeks. These are known as crash or fad diets. These diets need to be followed, adhering to a specific set of rules of foods to be consumed and foods to be avoided; in the prescribed period. There are several diet plans that are easy to follow and actually help in quick weight loss. Easy Diets to Lose Weight We have chosen some of the healthiest diets that are easy to follow and also help in losing weight. Let us take a look at them in detail. ➡ Atkins Diet The Atkins diet is a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet where the intake of carbohydrates is restricted. It is divided into 4 phases, like the induction phase, the ongoing weight loss, the per-maintenance phase, and the lifetime phase. In the initial phase, the intake of carbohydrate is as low as 20% and increased gradually in every phase. ➡ Cabbage Soup Diet The cabbage soup diet is considered to be one of the best fad diets that work. In this diet, one is expected to have only cabbage soup, some vegetables, and fruits every day. You can have cabbage soup for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, or rather have it as many times as you feel hungry. However, one should note that this diet should be followed only for 3-7 days, and is not recommended for a longer time duration. ➡ Glycemic Index (GI) Diet According to the low glycemic diet plan, one should have only foods that have low glycemic index. You should eat complex carbohydrates and lean proteins as they take longer time for digestion and help in weight loss. Whole grain, bran, rice, barley, whole milk, apples, pears, all vegetables, peanuts, etc., are some low GI foods. ➡ Low-Carb Diet The low-carb or the gluten-free diet, although a fad diet, is easy to follow. As the name suggests, in this diet plan, one should restrict the intake of carbohydrate, specially refined carbohydrates. All grain products, starch, refined sugars, etc., should be avoided. ➡ The Master Cleanse The Master cleanse diet, also known as the lemonade fast, is one of the most popular diet plan. Although it is a detox diet, it also helps in losing weight. According to the plan, you need to have only lemonade (made using particular specifications) throughout the day for 3 days. The master cleanse is not meant for long-term use. ➡ Mediterranean Diet One of the best diets for women, Mediterranean diet is very simple and easy to follow. Mediterranean diet is characterized by inclusion of extra virgin olive oil, which is high in monounsaturated fats. It emphasizes on consumption of food like fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables that are organically grown. In this diet, fiber rich foods such as whole grains, legumes, and nuts are eaten instead of unhealthy fats. ➡ Macrobiotic Diet The Macrobiotic diet involves consumption of a typical macrobiotic menu that includes mainly cereals, grains and vegetables along with small amounts of fish. Healthy cooking methods like poaching, steaming, pressure cooking, boiling, and grilling with little or no oil is required in this diet. ➡ Raw Food Diet In this diet, you are expected to consume only raw foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, milk, coconut water, beans, and other organic foods. Eating raw foods also enhances the texture of skin. ➡ Sonoma Diet Plan In the Sonoma diet plan, you can have almonds, whole grains, tomatoes, strawberries, spinach, olive oil, grapes, broccoli, blueberries, and bell peppers. While you consume these foods, you should remember not to have them in excess, else the purpose of the plan is lost. ➡ South Beach Diet The South beach diet focuses on replacing bad carbohydrates with good ones; and bad fats with good fats. Devised by Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, this diet has been formed on the principle that carbohydrate sources are good only if they have a low glycemic index. It works on eliminating trans fats and saturated fats from the foods you eat. The diet has been divided in three phases, with the first phase spanning 2 weeks. ➡ Tuna Diet The Tuna Diet is excellent for losing weight for women. It is a 3 day diet plan that involves eating one serving of tuna on each day, which is supplemented by other food. Tuna diet for weight loss follows a very specific diet plan. ➡ Zone Diet According to this diet plan, one should consume a fixed amounts of carbohydrate (approx. 40%), fats (approx. 30%), and proteins (approx. 30%) every day. One of the quick diet tips is that you should go for healthy options of carbohydrate and fats. ➡ 1200 Calorie Diet As the name suggests, in the 1200 calorie diet plan, you have to consume foods that add up to about 1200 calories a day. The best way for a person to lose weight is to decrease the number of calories consumed in a day. You can also try the 1200 calorie vegetarian diet, for weight loss. This is one of the best weight loss diets, since it involves having fresh fruits and vegetables. These diets should be followed with proper advice. One should also be aware of the potential side effects associated with these diet plans. Headache, nausea, dizziness, abdominal discomfort, etc., are the common side effects. Secondly, pregnant women, children, people suffering from chronic diseases should not follow these diets without consulting a doctor. Although the quick diets mentioned above are effective, you should note that following a natural weight loss program with healthy diet and exercise will definitely help in the long run. So, think about it. It is strongly recommended to follow any weight loss diet only after consulting the doctor. Take care!

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Корпоративные преимущества:
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