pregnancy questions and answers

Pregnancy Questions and Answers

Pregnancy conjures up hundreds of questions in the minds of the would-be mothers. Most of these questions stem from the anxiety, which is most prevalent in first time mommies. Hence, we have compiled a list of most common pregnancy questions and answers for you.

"A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone." One couldn't think of better words to describe what pregnancy means to millions of mothers across the world. The joy of creating a new life definitely surpasses all the joyous moments in one's life. However, carrying a baby inside the womb for nine months is certainly not an easy task. These 36 weeks are full of excitement, anxiety, and of course change! Thus, it is most natural for a pregnant woman to get anxious even at the drop of a hat. First time 'to-be mommies' are the most stressful lot with several doubts and concerns in their mind. To relieve you of some of your worries, we have a list of pregnancy questions and answers for you. Common Pregnancy Questions and Answers I am in my first trimester and I constantly feel tired and exhausted. Is this normal? It is absolutely normal to feel tired all the time during your first trimester. The reason is that your body undergoes several physical and physiological changes so as to prepare itself for pregnancy. The metabolic rate also slows down, which makes you deprived of energy. What are the foods that I must avoid while I am pregnant? Diet is something, that you should religiously follow while you are pregnant. Raw uncooked foods should be avoided under all circumstances. You should thoroughly wash your hands after handling raw, uncooked meat. Though, fish is a great source of proteins and omega 3 fatty acids, you should stay away from larger varieties such as shark, tuna, mackerel etc. These fish contain large proportions of mercury, which may cause several developmental issues for your fetus. Also, you should limit your consumption of canned, processed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be consumed on a daily basis, throughout your pregnancy. What are the exercises that I can safely perform during my pregnancy? Firstly, you should consult your doctor to confirm that you are going to have an absolutely uncomplicated pregnancy. Also, check if you are in a completely healthy state with normal blood pressure rates. You can discuss with him about your regular exercise regimen, so that he may suggest you if you could continue with the same routine or you need to switch to a new routine. Generally, walking, yoga, and any form of mild exercise is considered safe. However, while doing yoga, consult your yoga master for appropriate yoga poses. Lastly, steer clear of vigorous exercises. I am in my early forties, is my pregnancy risky? Your pregnancy should be fine, as long as you are in good mental and physical health. Although, late pregnancy does not necessarily mean risky, you should definitely watch out for certain abnormalities. There are several screenings available to detect chromosomal abnormalities in early fetal stages. Extra care should be taken if you are diabetic or have a high blood pressure problem. Should I sleep only in a certain position? During the first 24 weeks, you may continue to sleep in whatever position you are comfortable in, but do avoid sleeping on your stomach. During the last trimester, avoid sleeping on your back as the growing uterus may exert pressure on the arteries, affecting your blood pressure. Sleeping on either side in the best for you as well as your baby during this period. Besides, the aforementioned questions, if you have other questions or concerns, you should clear them immediately with your doctor. Also, any abnormal conditions such as bleeding, cramping, persistent pain, fever, or swelling of hands and feet should be immediately reported to the doctor.

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