pneumococcal vaccine side effects

Pneumococcal Vaccine Side Effects

Pneumococcal vaccines generally don't produce any side effects. Even if they do, the effects are common and disappear within a couple of days without having any negative impact on your body. In extremely small number of unfortunate cases, severe side effects are observed. However, a timely medical attention can bring the condition under control. This article provides information regarding the same.

The method of stimulating the normal immune system towards a specific micro-organism by injecting inactive or killed form of that particular microbe is known as vaccination. It is also termed as immunization. When the vaccination is against pneumococcus bacteria, it is called pneumococcal vaccination. This vaccine stimulates the production of antibodies against the pneumococcus bacteria. There are 80 different serotypes of this bacteria, and almost 23 of them are known to cause certain types of respiratory disorders such as lung inflammation or pneumonia in humans. All of these 23 serotypes are covered up by pneumococcal vaccination. This vaccine is given to both adults and children who are more than 2 years of age. It is considered to be a safe vaccine with minimum risk of side effects. However, the possibility of side effects cannot be denied. Common Side Effects Almost 30-40% of people experience a few common side effects of the vaccine. These are mild in nature. One such common side effect observed in adults as well as in kids is a rise in body temperature higher than 100 ºF. As per studies, about 15% of people show the onset of fever after taking the injection. Lower than 2% of people getting this vaccination, have shown the occurrence of side effects like joint pain, nausea, and a feeling of weakness and fatigue without a known cause. Yet, there are cases reported to have experienced drowsiness and loss of appetite. About 30% of people develop a large red spot on the site of the injection. Serious Side Effects The possibility of severe side effects of the vaccine is very rare. The vaccines have attenuated pathogenic microbes that act as antigens, and trigger the immune system to produce antibodies against the active form of that particular microbe. There is always a potential risk of re-activation of these weakened microbes in your body. Therefore, the vaccines are manufactured with utmost care and technology. Though possible dangers are almost nil, yet they are always there. A possible serious side effect is allergy. Like any other therapeutic agent, the vaccines may produce an allergic reaction in your body. These may include redness, swelling, bleeding, and pain at the site where the shot was given. Other serious side effects include swollen glands, skin rash, and sudden rise of body temperature which can be more than 102 ºF. The severe side effects of this vaccine also include tingling and numbness of the hand in which the vaccine was injected. The common side effects usually last for 1-2 days. These symptoms occur because of the production of antibodies in your body. They disappear after the given time period. However, in case they don't, or you experience some of the serious side effects of the vaccine, then you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. An on-time medical assistance will prevent the complications from getting worse in future. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.

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