nasal cancer symptoms

Nasal Cancer Symptoms

The nasal cancer symptoms of initial as well as advanced stages are discussed in the article below. Symptoms of this type of cancer along with treatment measures can also be found in the article.

Nasal cancer is a type of cancer that affects a part of nasopharyngeal region where auditory lobes intersect with nasal passages. This form of cancer is generally observed in people from central regions of Africa and East Asia. Symptoms
  • One of the common symptoms observed in patients suffering from nasal cancer is a lump in the neck. It is actually the swelling of lymph node affected by cancer cells. In medical terminology, this condition is known as cervical lymphadenopathy.
  • The affected person faces problems in swallowing food and his/her voice turns hoarse. Such kind of difficulty observed in swallowing is termed dysphagia.
  • The expansion of tumor creates obstructions in the path of nasal passages. It also results into nosebleed/nasal discharge.
  • Face of the person affected by nasal cancer may get paralyzed on one side.
  • In few instances, the problems like ear pain and hearing loss also get associated with nasal cancer.
  • The sense of smell of cancer patients may decrease.
  • Drainage of mucus from nose too can occur. Mucus may drain back into the throat or nose.
  • Along with problems related to ear and nose, people suffering from nasal cancer are also affected by ocular problems. Bulging of eyes is one such symptom associated with this condition.
  • Nasal cancer patients might suffer from double vision. The medical condition of double vision, also referred to as diplopia results into the person seeing (perceiving) two images of the same, single object.
  • This problem may also cause the patient to lose his/her sight, partially or completely.
  • One of the eye-related symptoms associated with nasal cancer is watering.
  • Apart from the symptoms related to eyes, ears or nose, one might also suffer from loose teeth.
  • A person may find it difficult to open his mouth due to nasal cancer.
  • Production of saliva in excess is amongst the symptoms.
  • Nasal cancer can also cause headache, fullness in throat, sinuses, etc.
  • A sensation of ringing in ears is experienced constantly by those suffering from this cancer.
Symptoms of Advanced Stage The symptoms listed below are exhibited by nasal cancer patients of advanced stages.
  • In the advanced stages, patients exhibit symptoms of cachexia i.e. physical wasting along with weight loss.
  • Vomiting, nausea and anorexia are amongst other symptoms exhibited by patients in advanced stages. People suffering from anorexia tend to lose their appetite.
Causes There are primarily 3 major causes of this cancer. Infection of the Epstein Barr virus is one of them. Diet also plays an important role in causing the nasal cancer. Salted foods such as fish, vegetables and meat are few of the other causes of this cancer. Genetic makeup could also be a cause behind this disease. Different options in the treatment of this cancer include radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Treatment The most effective treatment measure used for patients with nasopharyngeal cancer is radiation therapy. Radiotherapy is capable of controlling the primary tumors. However, even with the use of this therapy, it is difficult to control the distant metastases. The process of metastasis is responsible of spreading a disease from one organ to other distant (not the adjacent ones) organs. This treatment measure can also be used along with chemotherapy. Surgery is another option for the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer. Prof. W.L. Wei introduced the 'Maxillary Swing' method; it proves to be of great use in cancer treatment. Resection of the nasopharyngeal tumor is carried out during the Maxillary Swing surgery. In this surgery, the nasopharynx region is opened by severing the connections between skull bones and maxilla. This action facilitates the resection of tumors and also the placement/positioning of tubing required for brachytherapy. The main focus area of this article is to present before readers, the symptoms of nasal cancer. However, a brief account of causes and treatments listed in the write-up would also present some useful information before readers. Disclaimer:
This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice

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