modern mummification

Modern Mummification

Modern mummification has been a popular technique that is gaining steam in the past couple of years. Learn about how the process is done should one be interested in such an elaborate way of being preserved.

Today the modern mummification pyramid is open for those who wish to have their bodies mummified using the modernized version of the process, while then being buried in their very own custom-made bronze sarcophagus. For a price of $70,000 you can choose to be entombed or buried. So far the center has been able to work out this idea only on pets, where none of the humans who've signed up so far are dead yet to avail from the process themselves. The people at Summum believe that people carry what they call an 'essence' that lingers post one's death (even in the case of animals), where this essence is preserved through mummification to help it transition to its rightful place. A preserving chemical is used during the process, where they believe that if science can tweak the technique to perfection, it can even be used as a method for cloning (since the DNA of the body remains intact after the preserving process).
Mummy Burial Wrap
After the funeral formalities have been dealt with and completed, the body is taken from the funeral home to Summum in Salt Lake City, where it is readied for the mummification process. The first step in the process are the Rites of Transference where the body is cleansed and then bathed before the internal organs are carefully removed after an incision's made at the organs' exit point. The organs are then cleansed well while the incision made in the body is still left open. The organs and the body are then submersed in what is known as a baptismal font which contains a special concoction of chemicals and preservation fluids. The body when immersed in the liquid mix, is done so while the rites of Transference are simultaneously given.
Mummy Entombed
After the rites have been completed, the body is then removed from the baptismal tank, where the organs are replaced within the body's cavity and the incision is sealed off. The body of the deceased is then cleansed again with a final anointing oil applied to it. The body is then wrapped with layers of cotton gauze, where silk wrappings follow in some cases. A polymer layer is then placed above this, followed by another layer of fiberglass resin to preserve the body from external exposure. The body is then taken to the pyramid building where the Rites of Transference are given again. The body is finally placed within a stainless steel or bronze mummiform (coffin-like case) and filled with quartz granules, gold, jewels or amber resin, as the body is tucked into heaps of this. The mummiform (or traditional burial casket depending on one's choice) is then welded shut and kept in a sanctuary or buried in a graveyard. The mummification process provided by Summum is the only esoteric organization that provides such a service to those who may interested. It may seem like something straight out of a movie, but these things actually do happen in real life. Who knows, maybe you'd be intrigued and willing to give it a shot too.

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