man cave ideas

Man Cave Ideas

Are you falling short of some interesting man cave ideas? Then you have come to the right place. Read the following information and find out more about how to create the ideal man cave...

Everyone needs and worships his/her personal space. However, to the fairer sex's surprise, men need more privacy than we women do! To be frank, we don't really offer them ample 'space' in the living area where they can cozy up, watch TV, play video games or just hang out with their male friends over a drink. This very fact struck me when I thought about living with a man with the profession 'media' written all over him. With those unending editing sessions and storyboard discussions, I thought it will never work out for me! Searching for a nice home decorating idea that can provide ample space to both of us, I came across the idea of a man cave! Man caves can offer men a woman-free area where they can freely do whatever they like. Man Cave A man cave can be called a 'male sanctuary'. It is a room inside the dwelling, which is dedicated to the man of the house and his special possessions. It can be anything - in the form of a garage or in the basement, a spare bathroom, den, or a media room in your case. It is equipped with all the relevant accessories that can range from a vending machine, editing machine, giant TV, pool table, refrigerators, wine cellar, putting green, fireplace, bed, musical instruments, sports equipment, vehicle tool boxes, war memorabilia and anything else for that matter. In short, man cave design depends on the definition of 'comfort' for that man. Since it is their sanctuary, its location should also be secluded (if he wishes it to be!). The location to carry out some fancy designs depends on your budget as well. If you can afford it, then you can create a cozy manspace in a room located behind the house, or even a basement, which will be the perfect location to create the ideal male-only space! Ideas and Themes Once you have decided the location and design of your man's den, you need to decorate it in the most masculine way possible. Decide upon the theme of the cave and choose an excellent color scheme such as masculine shades like beige, dark blue, olive green, or black. Make sure you opt for the colors that he likes and not you! Garage Man Cave Now you don't need to worry about looking at your garage and always thinking about the wasted space that it contains. Convert your garage into something really useful like a man cave. This is a good male-only space idea because it can be used as a hobby area, a relaxing joint for you and your friends, or just as an extension of the house all for yourself. You can always get by, by arranging a couple of cabinets and chairs, however, to really get the perfect feel of it, try to get a professional to work it up and give a few of his own man cave thoughts and ideas. Though expensive, the whole setup should cost you anything up to $3000. Memorabilia Man Cave This theme is usually for the obsessive memorabilia collector, and the obsession may range from sports jerseys, basketball shoes, random collectibles to rugs, mats, curtains, music equipment and even statues. This setup may cost a little more than a general man cave, because memorabilia comes at a price. To make it look attractive, decorate the cave with all sorts of bric-a-brac so that when your guy gets a look at it, he should develop this warm dopey feeling of happiness. This is a brilliant man cave idea however, it is going to be a little time-consuming since you will not be able to acquire all the merchandise at one go. Office Man Cave This one's for the workaholic, or a person who works from home. If a man at work wants his creative juices to flow, then cultivate a comfortable environment for him so that he has nothing more to ask for. According to people, this idea for a man cave should be fitted with contemporary style furniture, because wood nowadays is processed so much that it imparts a very modern touch to a room. Create a warm atmosphere bathed in yellow light because that is the most at-home feeling that a person may experience while working. Multi-Purpose Man Cave And finally, here is an all-purpose man cave idea that should work out best for your guy if there's no single purpose that it should serve. Create the den with two to three or all of its corners occupying different activities. For e.g. have a wet bar design at one corner with a TV so that he and his friends can watch a football match while sipping a drink. Then convert another corner into a hobby area that he can utilize and spend his hours doing something productive at, and you could probably line up the corner as an exercise area with a couple of basic exercise tools or a treadmill along with a shower and sauna. Now wouldn't that be a great manspace idea that even he wouldn't mind exploiting. Design Tips and Accessories Once the paint color scheme is chosen, that's the time to choose some good furniture to complete the perfect interior decorating for a man cave. The best furniture items that you include should be any of the following, a recliner chair, La-Z-Boy, bean bags, small sofa, fireplace, comfy seats, heater (if it gets too cold in your region), computer table, bookcase, wooden panels, light fixtures like lamps, candle stands, and lava lamps. It's always better to take his opinion into consideration, so that he can have and arrange the furniture the way he likes. Once you're done with selecting the furniture and picking the interior painting colors, the next thing to consider is decorating the cave. Now that you have the furniture and all the essentials at hand, arranging them in the proper way is really important here. We all know that decorating a boy's room is a fun and easy task to do, so if you're getting too confused about how to go about the man cave idea that you've arrived at, get him also to help in the task together. Install the wet bar design at one corner of the man cave so that he can really enjoy and relax in his sanctuary. Make sure the bar is fully loaded with his favorite drinks, a small refrigerator and a lounge consisting of stools and counters. On the other hand, if he is an excellent BBQ party thrower, place a grill or gas stove in the den, so that he can surprise you with some special delicacies once in a while (it's a win-win situation)! One thing to take note of is that you need to work out your man cave idea for a garage thoroughly if he has a good collection of bikes and cars, because he may also like to maintain them on his own! I am totally looking forward to decorating the mantuary in our house! Just make sure that he understands that you are around the house too, so that he does not get too addicted or overdo his freedom and space, but am sure this will bring him to appreciate you even more. I know you will too!

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