application procedure for wall putty

Procedure to Apply Wall Putty

Planning to paint your home? Applying putty to your walls is an essential step you shouldn't miss. Take a look at the significance of wall putty and the procedure to apply it by referring to this guide provided by Buzzle.

Precautionary Measures:
➜ Wear safety glasses and gloves. ➜ Wear a respirator to avoid harmful paint fumes.
When repainting walls, it's very essential to condition the surface for better application of the paint. You would surely not like to see cracks or chips on your newly painted wall. Even if you yourself aren't going to handle the paint-job, understanding the painting process would help you execute the task efficiently. Before beginning to paint, you'll have to get rid of all the stuff in the room by moving it to another room that's yet to be painted. Remove every single thing, right from ceiling fans to curtains. Things like electric fixtures, trims, and window sills, which can't be removed should be neatly covered with masking tape to avoid staining. The flooring too should be neatly covered with canvas or tarpaulin to prevent paint splatters from staining the tiles. The next step is to prepare your walls and apply putty. A wall putty is basically a white-cement based powder ideal for concrete walls, and helps in filling up imperfections and cracks. It provides a damp-resistant and smooth layer for the effective application of paint.
How to Apply Wall Putty
  • Remove loose particles and flakes using a paint scraper or sandpaper.
  • Dig out cracks and holes with a screwdriver or any pointed object to remove all loose material from them.
  • Clean the walls with water and allow them to dry.
Preparing the Putty
  • Take the required amount of putty in a pan and add water to it in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Mix thoroughly to get a creamy, paste-like consistency.
  • Avoid formation of lumps while mixing; the putty should be smooth.
  • Prepare such that you intend to use it within the next two hours.
Filling Imperfections
  • Once the putty is ready, use a putty/paint knife or spatula to fill in all the cracks and holes.
  • Sand the surface with a 220 grit sandpaper.
  • Apply a primer coat to the wall and allow it to dry.
Steps to Apply the Putty
  • Apply the first coat of putty using the spatula in a vertical 'bottom-to-top' fashion.
  • Let the first coat stand for a minimum of 7-8 hours till dry.
  • Once dried, apply the second coat in horizontal strokes to even out the application lines/marks from the first coat.
  • Now that both the coats are applied, allow the putty to dry thoroughly for a period of 2-3 days depending on the weather.
  • Finally, use a sandpaper to smooth application marks if any. Finished!
Now that the putty has been successfully applied, you can apply another coat of primer, followed by two coats of the desired color paint.

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