kitchen curtains ideas

Kitchen Curtains Ideas

If you have windows in your kitchen, you need to dress them up with curtains. But while choosing curtains for the kitchen, you need to keep a few things in mind. Through this article we will help you in selecting the right kitchen curtains for your home.

Curtains in the kitchen are an integral part of the decor of a kitchen and you can have fun choosing a curtain style and design for your kitchen. Whether you are fully remodeling your kitchen or just want to change the window treatment to give your kitchen a new look, there are many curtains ideas for you to choose from. The type and style of kitchen window treatment depends a great deal on the kind of kitchen you have. A rustic or country-style kitchen will require a different type of curtain from a modern and minimalistic kitchen. So, you have to keep all these things in mind while designing or selecting curtains for your kitchen. Ideas for Kitchen Curtains Many people opt for vertical blinds or shades for their kitchen windows, but if you do not want to use them and are looking for cheap kitchen window treatment ideas, then you can use curtains. There are many different styles of curtains that look good in a kitchen and your choice will also depend to a large extend on where the window is situated. If there is a window just above the hob, then of course you can't have sheer curtains with flowy fabric. But if your window is situated just above the sink or any other place for that matter, you can go for flowy curtains in any material. Cafe Curtains For a rustic kitchen, the best kitchen curtains would be cafe curtains in a bright shade and a nice pattern. A cafe curtain covers only the lower half of the window and the upper half is left open. This allows you to watch people or the scenery from the top half of the window and at the same time conceal what you are working on in the kitchen. Usually a valance or cornice is installed at the top portion of the window to create a more cozy look. The valance can also provide some form of privacy and it also helps to block any glare from sunlight. The best materials for a cafe curtain are linen and cotton. For a very chic French bistro look, you can sew lace along the edge of the cafe curtains or even satin ribbons. If you are creatively inclined and want to jazz up the generic store-bought cheap kitchen curtains, a floral applique on your cafe curtains is the best way to give it a personal touch. Sheer Curtains For a modern kitchen which is all fitted with steel and chrome, you need contemporary kitchen curtains. One of the best curtain ideas for such a kitchen is to opt for sheers, nets or voile materials. They are translucent fabrics that allow diffused light to enter the kitchen. You can have full-length sheer curtains or mid-length sheer curtains in a color and pattern of your choice. For a small kitchen which has only one window, an inexpensive kitchen curtains ideas is to hang old silk scarfs around the rod. You can also use old handkerchiefs in a pleasing pattern and sew them together for instant modern kitchen curtains. Tab Top Curtains If you need more privacy (from nosey neighbors), then of course sheers or net curtains won't work for you. Your best option in that case is to purchase full length ready-to-hang, tab top curtains. However, you can jazz these plain curtains by using stencils and acrylic paint colors to create different patterns. A light-colored curtain in white, pale blue and yellow looks best in a modern kitchen, although you have to make sure that you regularly clean them as any dust and stains will show up quickly. Whatever kitchen window treatments you select for your home, make sure that it matches the overall aesthetics of the room and does not clash with the decor. A kitchen curtain is the best way to dress up the kitchen so choose them with care. Also make sure that it is easy to clean and maintain.

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