kids party favors

Kids' Party Favors

For your kid's birthday party, amidst all the planning, one of the most important things would be deciding on the party favors. In this Buzzle article, we give you a variety of party favor ideas that you can use for gifting your kid's peers, who attended the party.

Once you have decided on your budget, decide how you are going to pick appropriate items for favors. For younger kids it may be a good idea to create goody bags with different things that are age-specific. For slightly older kids, pick items for the goody bags based on the theme of the party. This is one of the best ideas for kids above eight years of age. Your goody bag could also be decorated to reflect the theme or alternatively, you could pick a container that is symbolic of the theme of the party. For instance, if the theme is Pirates of the Caribbean, then you could opt for tiny containers shaped like treasure chests for your goody bags, and fill the same with things like an eye patch, a pirate's hat, etc. These work very well as favors. It may also be a good idea to personalize the bags with the names or even Polaroid pictures of the kids. So now the question, what are the best favors that you can opt for? There are many unique favors that you can come up with, if you give it a little thought. Try to keep the theme in mind for older kids. That way you will come up with some great party favor ideas, which will allow the kids to relive their memories of the party even after they go back home. Some popular favors are whistles on funky lanyards and shoelaces, wrapped candy, stationery, etc. For boys, you could also give out party favors like cars, toy guns, etc. For girls, on the other hand, you could do well by putting things like clay sets and kitchen sets in the goody bags. Activity books, coloring pencils, yo-yo, magnets, key chains, are also some well-liked party favors. It may be preferable to think of homemade favors, as you can assure that the gifts would be unique. While organizing your kid's birthday party, try to get the planning of the party favors out of the way first, as it is possible that they may take time. At the end of the day you would really want to see the happiness and enthusiasm on the kids' faces as they open their goody bags.

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