italian baby girl names

Italian Baby Girl Names

Searching for Italian girl names for your sweet princess? Look no further as this Buzzle article doesn't just have names, but their meanings as well.

Naming a baby is one of the most joyous occasions for new parents; and it is a crucial step towards giving a baby his/her own individuality. A name stays with us forever; it's the first thing that makes up for our existence. Having such a huge responsibility, parents sometimes get confused as to which name would suit their baby the best, especially when it's a beautiful baby girl. Name Suggestions If you're not Italian, but fancy the names, you may or may not be aware of the fact that most popular Italian names for girls end with either "ella", "ina", "etta", or simple "a". And the popularity of Italian baby names is growing day by day. Reason? Perhaps it's because Italian names sound so sweet, exotic, and sensual to pronounce. So let's not waste anymore of your time and get right to it. Names and Meanings Nowadays, the concentration on finding the most unique baby names for girls and meanings has become so huge, that no parent is ready to settle with a common name. If you are one of those parents who wish to pick out from a list of unique or unusual girl names, then this is the table for you.
A - Z Baby Names Meaning
A Alisa Truthful one
Amadora Gift of love
Aniela Heavenly messenger; an angel
B Brunela A form or Brunhilda
Bibiana Alive
Bernadetta Bold as a bear
C Christiana Follower of Christ
Clara Clear; bright
Calandra Skylark
D Daniela God is my judge
Donata Gift from God
Delanna Soft as wool
E Elena Light of the sun
Enrica Ruler of the home
Eleonora Light
F Felice Happy; fortunate
Fiorella A little flower
Filippa Lover of horses
G Ghita Pearl
Gianna God is gracious
Gabriella Woman of God
I Isabella A form of Elizabeth; committed to God
Ines Holy; chaste
Immacolata The immaculate conception
J Jolanda Violent flower
Jemma Precious stone
Jacobella A form of Jacobi
K Kara Friend
Kiara Clear; bright; famous
Karissa Caress
L Lia Dreamy; weary
Loretta A laurel wreath or tree
Liliana Beautiful
M Mia Mine
Marsala A town; sweet fortified wine
Mariabellla My beautiful Mary
N Nicolina Victor of the people
Noelia Day of birth
Noemi Delight; pleasant
O Orlanda Famous land
Orabella Golden beautiful
Oriana The east; sunrise
P Pia Devout
Paola Noble
Phebe Radiant; bright; name of Greek deity
R Rosetta The flower - Rose
Rosalba White rose
Rosalia Melody
S Siena City in Tuscany
Sienna Reddish-brown
Silvana From the forest
T Tessa Countess
Trilby Sings with thrills
Tonia Invaluable
V Valeria Healthy; strong
Varanese A city in Italy
Velia To conquer
Z Zita 13th century Tuscan saint's name
Zola Ball of earth
Zaira Dawning
Do take your time in selecting the perfect name that will suit the apple of your eye. I hope that this article was helpful. Do let us know if you have any other names that you'd like to suggest.

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