inventions of the renaissance timeline

Timeline of the Inventions of the Renaissance Period

There were many great, innovative things that were invented during the Renaissance. The timeline of the inventions of the Renaissance period is given in this article.

The Renaissance was a cultural movement that took place in Europe during the period between 14th and 17th century. The epicenter of this movement was in Florence, Italy, which gradually spread to Rome and the rest of Europe. It was a golden period that lead to development of art, literature, and culture. It is often thought to be a movement that led to the birth of the modern era with modern thinking and perspective. Although the time is better known for its artistic developments as seen by the works of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, there were many notable inventions during this period. Perhaps one of the most important ones is the printing press, which marked a paradigm shift in education and literature. To elaborate further, the timeline of the inventions of the Renaissance in given in the paragraphs below. Major Inventions During the Renaissance, there were many new inventions and discoveries made, which changed the way people worked or looked at things. Some of the everyday things that we use today are the ones invented during that period. They were all truly revolutionary and unique, and the world is what it is today due to them.
Year Inventions and Discoveries
1300 The first mechanical clock.
1366 Scales for weighing.
1400 First golf ball was invented
1411 The trigger for the gun. The first piano called the Spinet invented.
1420 Oil painting was invented.
1421 Hoisting gear invented in Florence.
1450 Lenses for near-sighted people invented by Nicholas of Cusa.
1456 Printing press by Gutenberg.
1465 Drypoint engravings invented.
1475 Muzzle loaded rifles invented in Italy.
1485 Leonardo da Vinci designed the first parachute.
1487 Bell chimes.
1494 Whiskey in Scotland.
1500 The first flush toilets were invited.
1510 Pocket watch invented by Peter Henlein.
1514 Nicolaus Copernicus established the fact that the center of the universe is not the Earth, but the Earth lies near it.
1520 Ferdinand Magellan became the first European to spot a galaxy in the sky, and he named it "Magellan Penguin". He also discovered the Magellan Strait.
1568 Bottled beer was invented in London.
1589 Knitting machine invented by William Lee.
1590 Compound microscope invented by Zacharias Janssen.
1593 Galileo Galilei invented the water thermometer.
1608 First refracting telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey.
1620 The first submarine was invented by Cornelis Drebbel.
1624 Slide Rule was invented by William Oughtred.
1625 Method of blood transfusion was invented by Jean Baptiste Denys.
1636 W. Gascoigne invents the micrometer.
1642 Adding Machine invented by Blaise Pascal.
1643 Barometer invented by Torricelli.
1650 The first air pump.
1656 The pendulum clock was invented by Christian Huygens.
1660 The cuckoo clock was first made in Black Forest, Germany.
1663 The first reflecting telescope was constructed by James Gregory.
1670 Champagne was invented by Dom Perignon.
1671 The first calculating machine invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
1671 Sir Isaac Newton publishes his major work, Principia, which contains the three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation.
1679 Pressure cooker invented by Denis Papin.
1698 Steam pump invented by Thomas Savery.
These were some of the discoveries and innovations during the Renaissance. The list above will help you get a better idea of the chronological order in which they were made. All of these inventions had a great impact in the evolution of arts and science, and are therefore, very significant to mankind.

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