interval running

Interval Running Workout

Interval running has been used by athletes for a long time to improve their speed. Read on, to learn what it is, how it works, and how to get started.

Interval running can be done on a treadmill or outdoors. It has been used by athletes to increase their running speed. For interval training one has to start weeks before to train and prepare their body. This program is used for training short races, marathons, or half-marathons. But, it can also be used when you are running on the treadmill or outdoors as a part of your workout routine, because with interval workouts you can run faster and burn more calories. What is It? Interval training is a type of physical training in which there is a warm up phase, then a low intensity for a short time, followed by a high-intensity burst for a short period, then again low intensity for a short period, this goes on for some repetitions and finally there is a cool down phase. Interval training routines can be used to train for running marathons, cycling, rowing, and other sports. Sprinters and footballers use this type of training to help them run faster and better. How does it Work? Interval training works both on the aerobic and the anaerobic system. When a person does high-intensity work, the anaerobic system of the body uses the energy stored in the muscles, which is primarily for short burst of activity. The anaerobic metabolism system works without oxygen, and the byproduct is lactic acid which gives a burning sensation to the muscles during the high-intensity workout. When a person is undergoing high-intensity workout there is build up of lactic acid. But, during the low-intensity workout phase of interval training also called the recovery phase, the heart and lungs work together to pay back the oxygen and break down the lactic acid. During this phase the aerobic system is in control and uses the oxygen to convert the carbohydrates into energy. Benefits Regularly following interval training will lead to the adaptation response, so that the body will begin to deliver more oxygen to the working muscles, and muscles will build more tolerance to the build up of lactate. Also, the heart muscle will be strengthened and that will boost the cardiovascular system. Interval running will also prevent getting bored on the treadmill. As this training focuses on full body it helps to lose body fat all over the body. Tips to Get You Started When starting interval training on treadmill or outdoors, it is important to do a warm up and cool down, also you need to set goals which are within your physical ability. Start with less reps and longer intervals, and keep your pace steady throughout the workout. Make sure you bring the heart rate down during the rest phase, when making your program more intense make sure you do it gradually. Here is a standard interval running workout for beginners. You can keep the incline on 1% to get the feel of working outdoors.
  • 5 minutes warm up of light jogging.
  • 1 minute high-intensity workout.
  • 1 minute low-intensity workout.
  • 1 minute high-intensity workout.
  • 1 minute low-intensity workout.
  • 1 minute high-intensity workout.
  • 1 minute low-intensity workout.
  • 1 minute high-intensity workout.
  • 1 minute low-intensity workout.
  • 5 minutes cool down with light jogging.
So, maintain proper safety while performing the interval training running workout, and improve your speed and burn more calories.

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