instructions to make chandelier earrings

Instructions to Make Chandelier Earrings

Did you know, you can make a pair of chandelier earrings on your own just by following some basic instructions? The following article will provide you the steps to make your own pair of chandelier earrings.

Looking at the wide variety of chandelier earrings in the market, we all desire to have at least the latest ones that are in the market. But, it is not always possible to go and buy them. The best option at such times is to make your own pair of chandelier earrings. Chandelier earrings are long, dangling earrings among the wide variety available these days. They are called chandeliers because they resemble chandelier lamps. The specialty of these lamps is that they are hanging lamps suspended from the ceiling through a ceiling outlet or a hook. They can be used to decorate a formal dining room or even a child's bedroom to give it a beautiful look. Similarly, chandelier earrings can be worn casually or occasionally. There is such a great variety found in these earrings that they can match with any color and any type of outfit. They can be made of gold, diamond, beads or plastic. They are even made using stainless steel which is a hypoallergenic material for people who are allergic to a particular metal. They are sometimes treated as special jewelry because they can become an attraction for people in special events like weddings and parties. It provides an elegant look to the wearer as well. The next segment offers you easy ways to make an attractive pair of chandelier style earrings. How to Make Chandelier Earrings As there are various types of chandelier earrings, there are different ways to make them. Firstly, you should decide the dress with which you would like to wear the earrings. If the dress is heavy in the sense of the design and the pattern, you can always go for precious or semi-precious stones. If you want the earrings to match with your jeans or other casual wear, you can make use of bright colorful beads. Colorful or plain wooden beads can look good with a simple traditional outfit. For now, we will focus on the making of simple beaded chandelier earrings. Materials Required The materials that you need to make beaded earrings are:
  • Colorful beads of your choice (5-6 mm)
  • Flush cutters
  • 20 gauge wire
  • Straight headpins
  • A pair of pliers
  • Ready-made ear wire hooks
  • Ready-made chandelier design parts (The part should have one hole at one side and five at the other because the making is based on that structure. You can use other patterns when you are used to the process.)
Steps to Make Beaded Chandelier Earrings
  1. You should always put your imagination on paper. Make an actual drawing of the earrings you want to make.
  2. You have to make a double loop with a bead in it to attach it to the ear hook. Take the wire and using flush cutters, make a loop on one side of the wire. Now, slide a bead into it and make the second loop with the remaining wire on the other side. These two loops will connect the ear hook and the bottom part of the earring.
  3. Open one of the loops and slide it into the ear hook. Close/lock the loop carefully.
  4. Open the second loop and insert the chandelier design part into it and close it. With this you will complete half the earring.
  5. Take five straight headpins and insert one bead in each pin. Using pliers, turn the headpins round into loops. The bead in the middle headpin can be of a bigger size than others as a part of the pattern.
  6. Now, take the half ready earring and insert the looped beads into each hole in the chandelier part and lock the loops properly. Keep the bigger bead in the center as decided.
  7. Your first chandelier earring is ready. Make the second one following similar steps.
Just follow the few above-mentioned steps and you will get a gorgeous pair of chandelier earrings. Go ahead, take pride in making a pair of earrings on your own and show it off to your friends and relatives!

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Причины для игры в клубе

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Корпоративные преимущества:
Чтобы победить, нужно только верить в удачу и всегда быть на положительной стороне.
Существует богатый список новых и старых игровых автоматов, которые погружают пользователя в ту или иную тематическую атмосферу.
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Заманчивые награды и приятные бонусы.
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Удивительно роскошный отдых прямо по соседству.

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Азартные приключения предназначены для удовольствия, а не разочарования, поэтому вносите на игровой счет только ту сумму, с которой не жалко расставаться.