important values in society

Important Values in Society

Important values in society need to be built and propagandized to bring about positive changes that we all need. Here is a Buzzle article that will show you a balanced perspective.

Values are good habits that are contagious. They are passed down through generations. Values bind us together, but still set us apart. Today, our society is seeing a terrible amount of lack of value. Either people are discriminating others or being discriminated against. Nature is being destroyed, while destruction is being planned. What can I say, we seem to be leaving behind a legacy of hatred and destruction for our future generations. What does our society need? It needs a value check and mindset change. People are forgetting the values of extreme importance which we need to focus on. Empathy The most important value in our lives revolves around empathy. How can one concentrate on co-existing on the same planet without a speck of empathy. We need to be able to accept others for who they are, not what they can do for us. We need to stop concentrating on how we can reduce competition and focus on how we can grow together. While we all have to look out for ourselves at the end of the day, we need to remember this quote, "The day we stop fighting for each other, we stop being humans!" Mutual Respect It is clear that we all have our strengths as well as weaknesses. Mutual respect means having respect in our minds for everyone. Even if you are up against a person, wherein it is your honor against theirs, it is important to have mutual respect. It is this respect that makes us human. Without this respect, we become like animals. This respect can help us keep the balance between welfare state and social Darwinism in society. We need to respect our friends for their friendship and our enemies for their ability to be competitive and their conviction. Mutual respect in one of the crucial values in any type of relationship. Love This may seem surreal, but honestly, love conquers all. With love in our hearts, we feel no need to harm another. We will raise ourselves, rather than pull another down. We will focus on the similarities of opinions rather than the difference of color, religion, or sexual orientation. We will punish, but not kill. We will request, but not steal. With love, we will be people and not monsters! Yes, if we want our society to be good to us, we need to be good to it, as well. After all, you give love to get love, right? Loyalty People often forget the meaning and importance of loyalty. It is an emotion that binds us to a person, thing, or sentiment. This emotion restricts us from ever betraying that person or thing. As such, what our society clearly needs today, is loyalty. We need to be loyal to each other, to shudder at the thought of speaking, or thinking negative about each other. We need this loyalty to gather the strength to stand up against something that will harm our society and to stand up for the oppressed. It is this loyalty, that will bring down the global walls and make this world one big home again! Honesty We all claim to follow the above values in society, right? In our own way, we think we are perfect. Honesty in society is to accept yourself for what you are, and let everyone know that as well. This honesty will help you make yourself better, simply because you had the ability to admit your flaws and work towards improving yourself. It is this honesty, that will make others help you out, not because you need it. But, because they have flaws too, which you can help out with. This honesty will help us follow the other values in society and, truly, "heal the world"! While there are other values like education, empowerment of the weak and no discrimination, etc., the above are, in my opinion, the most important values to abide by, even for children. An early start will make your little one, a better global citizen.

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