how to get a job on an oil rig

How to Get a Job on an Oil Rig

Are you looking forward to a career working on an oil rig? If yes, then we would like to tell you that there are numerous job opportunities available in this sector and the salary offered is more than what you will get working on land.

There are numerous job opportunities for people who intend to work on an oil rig. The oil industry is one of the biggest employers worldwide. Oil companies are always in need of deck hands, painters, caterers, mechanics, electricians, welders, safety trainers, etc. As the working conditions are tough, there is a lack of specialized personnel in this field. Requirements for Getting a Job on an Oil Rig Irrespective of the position that suits you the best, the first thing that you need to do is to prepare a resume that highlights the skills that are required to get the job on an oil rig. Most of the jobs on oil rigs demand knowledge of some basic skills from a person, so you can enlist those skills on your resume. There are several companies that can write a resume for you by charging a fee, or you can find a sample resume template online as well. Once you have prepared a resume, the second thing that you need to do in order to get a job on an oil rig is to pass a physical examination. You would also need to undergo a drug screening test and you would be asked some questions about your history. It is always advisable to answer all the questions truthfully. The minimum age to work on an oil rig is 18 years. So, you need to satisfy this criterion before applying for a job on an oil rig. As far as the educational requirements are concerned, employers look forward to your ability to do work, rather than any degree or certification. The entry-level jobs on an oil rig do not require a formal education as such; however, people who are responsible for supervising or managing people require higher levels of education. The job also provides you enough options to advance in your career as the employers want experienced employees to take up more responsible positions and help in training new workers. There are many agencies that offer certification courses approved by the Coast Guard. There are a lot of people who aspire to work on an oil rig, but are skeptical as they have little or no experience. While relevant experience enhances your chances to a great extent, not having one doesn't mean that you would not be hired. One can apply for most of the entry-level jobs without having any previous experience of working offshore. The most important thing that determines whether you would be successful on an oil rig is the ability to learn things quickly. The work hours on an oil rig are comparatively longer than other conventional fields, with work hours averaging between 80 to 100 hours per week. Before you set out to work on an oil rig, you should prepare yourself both mentally and physically as the job requires a lot of travel and there are times when you will be away from home for weeks, even months. The working conditions are hard, but if you are in good shape, you won't take much time in getting used to the job. Salary and Benefits People who have no previous experience of working on an oil rig make around $40,000 to $50,000 a year. The plus point is that you don't need to work for the full year as most of the companies have a work structure in which employees work for three weeks and get a two-week off. Dishwashers and general laborers who work on a daily basis earn around $900 to $1000 per week. Food and accommodation is taken care of by the employer and this is one of the biggest advantages of working in this field. As mentioned earlier, offshore oil rig jobs are challenging and you will have to spend a lot of time away from your family, but the salary it offers is fairly competitive. We would advise you to weigh in all your options before you commit yourself to this job.

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