how to build a batting cage

How to Build a Batting Cage

With proper instructions, you can build a homemade batting cage all by yourself. Here are some points and steps that you need to know, and you are good to go.

If you want to whack a few balls around without having to go too far, then building a batting cage right in your own backyard is the ideal thing to do. With the right tools and equipment, this task is actually not that difficult to carry out, and you can do it yourself too. Wondering how? Well, here's all you need to know.
First, Ask Yourself This
Before you begin the ultimate task of investing your precious money and time to build a batting cage, you must know the answers to these questions.
  • Where do you want to build your batting cage?
  • When do you plan to start the process of construction?
  • How much money do you wish to invest in this project?
Things You Will Need
The cost incurred in the making of a batting cage will be only the amount spent on buying the material necessary for the construction. You will need the following things ready at the start:
  • Nylon or polyethylene for the cage nets.
  • Aluminum tubes that will support the nets.
  • PVC pipes.
  • Concrete/cement to fix the flooring of the frames.
Nylon is considered to be a good choice for an indoor batting cage. Nylon absorbs moisture and begins to stretch, so it is unsuitable for outdoor batting nets. However, it is perfect for indoor use as it is durable and does not get spoiled easily. Polyethylene, on the other hand, is weather-resistant and can cope well with moisture, so it forms a good choice for outdoor batting cage nets. Some other important tips for purchasing a durable net is to check the types of knots, the mesh, and the strength of the net. For instance, mostly, the cage nets have mesh holes of size 1.75 inches. However, if you wish to use this area for some golf too, then prefer a mesh which has smaller holes.
Steps Involved
  • Clean the area/pitch/surface where you wish to make the batting cage net. Prepare a good flooring. It is good if the surface is a green grass bed or a cement-floored pitch.
  • Make a rough layout of the batting cage. Generally, the sizes are 70' (length) by 14' (width) by 12' (height), 65' x 11' x 11', 10' x 12' x 12', 55' x 12' x 12', and 40' x 12' x 12'. However, depending on the space available to you, you can think of other possible sizes too that fit in well. Also leave at least 2 feet space around the perimeter of the batting cage.
  • Use homemade wood or metal (aluminum) poles and dig holes (3 to 4 feet deep) in the ground to fix them. To further increase the strength, you may cement the area around the holes so that the pole is safe and secure. The poles will support the weight of the nets, so they must be anchored properly into the ground.
  • Attach the batting net to the ends of the poles and drape it down. This covers the skeleton of the cage frame.
  • Ensure that the nets are hung low enough.
  • Remember, the nets should completely touch the ground so that the balls don't go out from under the nets. A hanging batting cage helps to stop the balls without causing much resistance to the nets. Never hang the net very tight or too loose.
  • Make sure that an exit door is made too, through which you can come and go out of the net.
  • Once the batting cage is ready, place the pitching machine inside.
The netting is an important part in imparting stability to the cage, so ensure that you are careful while setting it up. While practicing in the batting cage, never allow anybody to roam inside, as it may result in serious injuries.

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