how to apply stainless steel contact paper

How to Apply Stainless Steel Contact Paper

Stainless steel contact paper renders a modern and classy look to old kitchen appliances. This Buzzle article tells you exactly how to apply stainless steel contact paper.

Quick Tip!
Never apply stainless steel contact paper to a cooking range or stove, since consistent exposure to heat might damage the paper.
Nowadays, there is a trend of having modern kitchens that are equipped with appliances having a metallic shine. Accordingly, if you have an urge to give a makeover to your kitchen (which must be seeming old-fashioned to you by now!) without spending a fortune, then stainless steel contact paper can come to your rescue. Stainless steel contact paper is an inexpensive, self-adhesive, vinyl film, printed with a faux finish that imitates the look of stainless steel. It is used to cover drawers, cabinets, shelves, furniture, curtain rods, and a variety of other household appliances, including refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves, ovens, etc. The purpose of using this paper is to enhance the aesthetic value of your kitchen by refurbishing your already existing old appliances. By choosing to use this contact paper, you can save a lot of money, since you need not buy new appliances having a stainless-steel finish. Stainless steel contact paper comes in a roll that is usually 18 inches × 6 feet in size. It is scratch-resistant and easy to clean, and has a printed measuring grid on the adhesive backing for precise cutting.
Applying Stainless Steel Contact Paper
You can easily apply the contact paper to appliances at home. The following DIY instructions will help you cover your refrigerator.
Step 1: Measure the surface area of the front and both the sides of the refrigerator, except the rear. Also measure the edges of the doors if you intend to cover them too.
Step 2: Take off the handles of the refrigerator if possible.
Step 3: Clean all the surfaces of the refrigerator that you wish to cover, using a kitchen cleaner.
Step 4: Wipe the refrigerator dry using a sponge cloth.
Step 5: Cut a sheet of contact paper according to the measurement of one side of the refrigerator, e.g. the left side.
Step 6: Peel off the top of the paper backing, and line up the top of the contact paper with the topmost border of the refrigerator. Gently press and stick the contact paper downwards, while simultaneously peeling the paper backing from behind. While doing so, make sure that the paper does not crease or trap air bubbles inside. Continue doing this till you cover the entire surface and reach the bottom border of the refrigerator.
Step 7: Squeegee the contact-paper applied surface to remove any extra traces of air bubbles.
Step 8: Apply the contact paper to the remaining sides in this similar fashion. However, while applying the paper to the front, cut it around the drink dispensers or handles that cannot be removed, using a utility knife. If you have removed the handles, use an ice pick to make holes in the contact paper at the screw holes. Reattach the handles once you are done with applying and squeegeeing the contact paper.
The same steps apply for covering other appliances too. However, before applying the contact paper, you need to ensure that the surface is free from grime. This is because, even the minutest dust particle will show underneath the paper. Also, if your measurements turn out be inaccurate, then your paper, time, and effort will go waste. Therefore, take care of the small details as discussed above, and you will have a newly renovated kitchen in no time, that too without much expense.

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