homemade cleaning solutions

Homemade Cleaning Solutions

Are you looking for some effective homemade cleaning solution recipes? Read on for some of the most effective options and the directions to use them, which will help to brighten up your house.

Who does not like a clean and hygienic home? Most of the time, we depend on a number of chemical cleaners available in the market for getting rid of stains, grime, dirt, etc., in our houses. However, have you ever wondered what if we could make use of the various ingredients available in our kitchen and make our own solutions? That way, our houses will not only remain spic and span but also somewhat chemical free. Lemon Juice A very effective solution for hardwood floors as well as hardwood furniture is made by combining half a cup of lemon juice with one cup of olive oil. This will not only cleanse, but also polish the hardwood surface. Vinegar Mix one tablespoon of baking soda in two cups of vinegar and one cup of water. Homemade cleaning solutions with vinegar are multipurpose and can be used for almost anything, right from the bathtub, sink, and toilet to the various kitchen appliances that you use such as a dishwasher or a microwave. Vinegar can even be used for floors, provided they are not made of marble. Baking Soda To clean carpets, simply mix baking soda with laundry detergent in equal quantities and sprinkle this mixture on the stained area of the carpet. Immediately take a spray bottle and wet the stained area on the carpet with hot water. Let the mixture sit there for about half an hour. After that, scrub the carpet gently and follow it up with vacuuming. Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) Although trisodium phosphate is prepared from phosphoric acid and soda ash, and is not totally chemical free, it is much better than other poisonous chemicals which are used for cleaning drains. TSP, as it is normally referred to, is quite beneficial in getting rid of stubborn paint stains and cleaning hard surfaces such as driveways as well. However, since it is pretty strong, it has to be diluted with about three liters of water, before use. Borax The solutions made from borax serve as excellent laundry detergents. Simply combine half a cup of castile soap, i.e, soap which contains olive oil, with half cup of washing soda, borax, and one-fourth cup of white vinegar. This will help in removing the stains, bleaching as well as softening the fabrics at the same time. Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide, a pale blue liquid is an excellent disinfectant and a bleaching agent. A solution made by diluting hydrogen peroxide with water can be used for floors, sinks, tiles, bathroom tubs, provided they are white in color. Since hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties, if used on colored surfaces, it might discolor them. These are some options which you can make use of while conducting your cleaning jobs at home. Regular use in your household with these will definitely make your house bright and germ free.

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Причины для игры в клубе

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