green coffee bean extract

Green Coffee Bean Extract

The regular coffee we get in the market is prepared by roasting green coffee beans. However, the roasting process reduces the number of beneficial natural chemicals in the coffee, which is why green coffee bean has gained popularity.

We are aware of scores of different anti-aging formulae. To add to the extensive list comes our friend, the green coffee bean extract, which is touted for its anti-oxidant, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity properties. Light to dark yellowish-brown hygroscopic powder, this extract is rich in several polyphenols called hydroxycinnamic acids, of which the two prominent acids are chlorogenic and caffeic acids. Let's take a look at the how these compounds benefit our bodies. Anti-aging Benefits The chlorogenic acids present in the extract have antioxidant properties, and destroy the free radicals formed in the body as a result of metabolism. These free radicals if left as they are, destroy cell membranes and conduce to wrinkling of the skin and other symptoms of aging. By destroying these harmful free radicals, green coffee bean extract actually slows down the onset of aging. Test results also show that this extract has double the rate of oxygen radical-absorbing capacity, as compared to grape seed or green tea extract. Reduces Blood Pressure Animal research reveals that the chlorogenic acids also help alleviate high blood pressure levels. Based on this finding, further research was conducted on humans. The one month experiment done on people with mild hypertension showed considerable results. When taken at a dose of 185 mg, the extract was most effective in treating hypertension. Promotes Weight Loss Scientist Hiroshi Shimoda and his team from Oryza Oil & Fat Chemical Company (Japan), conducted research on this extract, and found that it promotes weight loss. This weight loss is brought about by two chemical compounds; caffeic and chlorogenic acid that naturally occur in green coffee beans. These chemicals are lost during the roasting process, thus aren't present in our regular coffee beans. Caffeic acids from the coffee release fatty acids from stored body fat, while the chlorogenic acid assists the liver in processing the fatty acids more efficiently, thereby resulting in weight loss. Shimoda continues to state that; "If a human consumes one kilogram per day of food (2.2 pounds) containing 10 grams (.35 ounce) of green coffee bean extract for 14 days, the increase in body weight may be suppressed by 35 percent." Boosts Metabolism The extract boosts metabolism by altering the way in which glucose is absorbed in the body. Caffeic acids act as stimulants and boost the energy levels. Then again, since this green bean has not been boiled, it lacks cafestol (a diterpene) which would otherwise increase the levels of bad cholesterol or LDL in the body. This extract is safe and as of today there have been no reports of any adverse reactions stemming from its consumption. However, to be on the safer side, pregnant and breastfeeding women, young children, and people with kidney and liver issues should refrain from taking this green coffee bean extract. Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert advice.

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