exotic freshwater fish

Exotic Freshwater Fish

Let us look at the 10 most exotic looking freshwater fish, which you can put in an aquarium...

You can have a fish tank of some exotic fish even in your home. However, there are many factors you will need to consider while setting up a tank. If you are maintaining a tank with the same freshwater exotic fish species, then taking care of them will be easier. However, when keeping a variety of fishes, make sure these exotic pets are compatible with each other, and don't become aggressive and try to kill each other. Top 10 Exotic Freshwater Fish Given below is a list of ten most attractive and freshwater exotic fishes, which can be maintained in an aquarium. Dwarf Gourami: All gourami are great addition to a community fish tank, are quite easy to take care of. There are two varieties of this fish, the blue and the flame red. These are not picky eaters, and you can feed them fish food and as a treat frozen blood worms once in a while. Neontetra: These are one of the most attractive looking fish for aquariums. They are commonly known as neon fish, and have a bright-colored horizontal streak in the middle of the body, with red color near the tails. They are peaceful fish, and are best maintained in school of 6 or more. Angelfish: These are pretty common pet fish, and come in total black, silver or streaked or marbled patterns. They are peaceful, and easy to care for fish. Angelfish are pretty cheap, and perfect for beginner fish owners. Rainbow: This fish is called the rainbow fish because of its interesting array of colors, as it reflects the colors around it. These are hardy fish, and should be maintained with 6 or more number of the same fish species. Jewel Cichlid: This is another beautiful freshwater exotic fish, which is quite easy to take care of. When cichlid care is properly maintained, their colors can look great. These fish are orangish in color, with purple fin tips, and white spots all over the body. Tinfoil Barb: Another good fish for beginners, this fish is sold in pet stores and is very easy to take care of. These fish like to jump out of tanks which don't have any hoods. These freshwater fish are silver in color, and around 13 inches in size. Oscar: The oscar fish might not be very shiny, but are perfect for novice fish owners, as it is very easy to take care of, and does well in basic aquarium conditions. They are around 13 inches in size, and color varieties like albino, brown, dark gray and olive-green can be seen. Glassfish: Indian glassfish is a rare exotic fish for aquarium, due to two reasons. The fist reason being it is very attractive, as it is transparent and you can see the bone structure inside it. The second reason for it being a rare aquarium fish is that they are difficult to maintain, and hence not recommended for beginners. Pearl Gourami: These are another attractive gouramis aquarium fish with their orange bodies, bluish fins and spotted body pattern. These are easy to take care of fish. They are peaceful in nature, and are around 5 inches in size. Killifish: This is one of the most attractive freshwater fish, and its coloration can vary from pink, silver, maroon, white, red to orange. These are around 2 inches in size, and quite easy to take care of. The above list has general information about some of the most beautiful exotic fish which live in freshwater. Make sure you study the individual fish characteristics and care factors well, and then set up a community tank. Another important check you need to do, is to see that the fish are legally allowed as pets. So, select these as pets wisely, and enjoy a stunning looking community tank!

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