ethics in the workplace

Ethics in the Workplace

Discerning the appropriate from the inappropriate at the workplace is getting increasingly tough, as the line separating the two keeps blurring. In this article, we're trying to make sense of the dos and don'ts to keep you from offending any workplace sensibilities.

It seems like a long time ago when ethical behavior was the unspoken reality of any conscientious business. There was never a set code of conduct; ethical behavior lived a sublime existence, ingrained solidly into every decision that was taken. Aspects related to righteousness of behavior in businesses have moved into the gray area now, with everyone following their own interpretation of 'right' and 'wrong'. As morality keeps spiraling out of our control, it is time to get back to the basics, and indulge in some retrospection. Understanding the Basics of Ethics... Ethics are defined as principles which outline moral values and rules. It is a branch of philosophy that addresses the questions of morality through a set of behavioral guidelines. A workplace is a cluster of individuals, where an amalgamation of attitudes and imaginations exists, which often leads to a diluted understanding of ethics. Understanding ethics in the workplace is of utmost importance, as the congregation of people from myriad strata and cultures makes the environment volatile and subject to unnecessary differences, which can hamper productivity and lead to irreparable damages.
What Constitutes Ethical Behavior at Work?
Honesty It's a tough one upfront, but honesty is non-negotiable. Honesty should reflect in the way you work, in your mannerisms, in your interactions with colleagues, and in pretty much everything you do. While it may certainly be tough to have an element of complete transparency, it doesn't really hurt to try. Giving your best to your work includes being sincere with your efforts, and being a team player. Of late, though, people have been considering honesty to be somewhat of a wussy quality to have, without realizing the actual strength of character behind it. Respect Treating people with respect is a given, and it works both ways. It doesn't end there, though. One needs to have an immense amount of respect for the work one does, as opposed to being paid for simply existing in an office. Lack of respect makes for a chaotic workplace, where the quality of work takes a definite beating. Employees who walk into an office with a sense of dread can never give their 100% to the job, no matter how high the financial remuneration might be. Professionalism Professionalism refers to a whole spectrum of qualities that include thoroughness, punctuality, accountability, dedication, and integrity. While we all are guilty of disregarding these qualities at some point, making a habit of it does nothing for our career. Showing up at work with a hangover, dismissing company rules, whiling away the time that you're supposed to be working in, and generally being a pain in the neck makes for an unprofessional person. Again, one needn't mention that it equates to professional suicide. Setting Boundaries The fact remains that we do not live in the Mad Men world where it is acceptable to be racist, misogynist, sexist, adulterous, homophobic or anything that encroaches on to another person's identity. Whatever your views may be on these subjects, never let them come in the way of judging people you work with. It is important to keep business away from what strictly speaking, is not your business.
Ethics: Take Them, or Leave Them? Following a personal code of ethics brings accountability and responsibility towards oneself. In the larger scheme of things, it provides a purpose and direction, bringing out a meaning to professional and personal pursuits. Personal ethics play an important role while imbibing a sense of morality amongst your employees. Each one of us has a right to do what we want. However, these rights are governed by a set of rules formed due to conditioning of the mind. These rules are nothing, but ethics. Hence, every act should be done with the right 'right' or else it will lead to chaos. A person who has a clear vision of personal ethics, can relate to the seriousness of abiding by them at the workplace. So, when we bring the concept of accountability into the picture, it is supposed to ignite a sense of consciousness in our mind. But what happens when we already have a skewered sense of right and wrong? In today's world, it doesn't surprise us to see someone leaking out trade secrets, and we feel as indifferent when we hear of someone paying money to get them. In these times, people are choosing to keep morality as an option, opting to be on either side of it, as they deem appropriate. With the absence of a clear demarcation between right and wrong, employers and employees feel free to follow their own lead, whichever way it takes them. Today, it is the success that matters, even if it was gained by stepping on a few toes. It is becoming easy for people to cast aside the inconvenience called 'truth', and aim for the stars. This way, they aren't really left with much time to think of what it is doing to our moral fabric as a whole. Loyalty, commitment, and rights go hand in hand for creating a conducive work culture in a workplace. It enhances the business literacy and helps in addressing internal problems in an efficient manner. Because of the differences in personal ethics, every employee needs to be put on a common ethical platform. Thus, ethical standards need to be drafted for the organization. Following these ethics happens to be a personal choice, which can only be explained and expected. It takes a great amount of patience and determination to create an ethical working place, which fosters the professional and personal growth as the years progress.

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