endangered panda bears

Endangered Panda Bears

Panda bears are the natives of South Western and Central Western China and are ambassadors of the endangered animal species. They are mainly threatened due to rapid habitat loss. Let's find out more about these endangered species.

Endangered panda bears are mammals, mainly belonging to the South Western and Central regions of China. They are found in the Gansu, Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces of China and in the Qinling mountains, along with some areas of India and Bhutan. The two most common panda bears are the giant panda and the red panda. Giant pandas can be distinctively identified due to the large black patches around their eyes, legs, ears, arms and muzzle. They are an integral part of the Chinese culture, especially Chinese art, and they are fondly called the 'large black cats'. They are good tree climbers and swimmers, and mainly feed on the bamboo plant. An interesting fact about them is that, one giant panda can eat as much as 83 kg of bamboo every day. Are Panda Bears Endangered? Giant pandas are an endangered species and in fact, are the representatives of all endangered animals. It is sad to say that there are only around 2,500 giant pandas left worldwide. They are among the most threatened species of bears. Their population is on a considerable decline and this calls for prompt attention and action, to save them from extinction. A giant panda is also the official symbol of the 'World Wildlife Fund' (WWF). Red pandas are classified as 'vulnerable' and can become endangered soon, if their population continues to decrease. Their Share in the Ecosystem Pandas, too, are important contributors in bringing about a balance in the ecosystem. In the Yangtse Basin, the Pandas share their habitat with millions of humans. This place is known for its fisheries, water resources, transport, etc. Since the diet of pandas includes only trees, it initiates the people to continue yielding crop for a balanced ecosystem. The survival of this species will mean that humans occupying this place will continue to draw ecosystem benefits. Apart from that one should not ignore the fact that, like humans even pandas are the part of this earth and even they have the right to live. Reasons for Endangerment There are various reasons that have led to the panda bears being declared endangered. A few of the reasons are listed below. Habitat Loss and Fragmentation The habitat of panda bears is limited to the bamboo forests that are being increasingly depleted. Those that are remaining have been isolated from each other, and this disables their migration. They are also losing their habitat due to China's increasing population that is using up their resources very rapidly, ultimately leading to deforestation. Bamboo Blooms Out Panda bears are dependent on bamboo plants to fulfill their diet needs. When the plant reaches a certain stage of maturity, it produces seeds and flowers and then dies off. Pandas then need to migrate to another area, but are unable to do so, due to habitat loss. This leads to starvation that ultimately ends in their death. Hunting and Poaching Giant and red pandas are hunted for their skin, and soft and thick fur, especially by foreigners. In spite of their meat being tasteless pandas are still hunted for their meat. Also, there are people who are least concerned about balancing the ecosystem and hunt for pandas without any reason. Low Reproductive Rates Panda bears prefer solitude most of the time, and have a very short breeding season. Only one or two cubs are born at a time and the mother looks after just one of the cubs, until they are a year or two years old. A female panda does not mate while caring for the cubs. Another sad thing is that the infant mortality rate is quite high among them. Rapid Industrialization Due to this rapid industrialization the trees are cut and the areas are cleared to set up factories. This has resulted in the loss of food for pandas, because pandas take time to migrate and by the time they start migrating they are starved (for food), which leads to their death. Saving Endangered Panda Bears Due to the increased awareness about endangered species, several efforts are being made to save them from extinction. The Chinese authorities have declared the hunting and poaching of these bears as illegal and several wildlife reserves have been set up throughout China. These reserves promise protection and security to the panda bears. The WWF, along with the Chinese government, is making international wildlife conservation efforts, along with attempts to support their habitat. The WWF has worked hard to conserve pandas since 1980. They have increased the panda's habitat, taken action against hunting and poaching of the bear, created an ecosystem to link pandas who have been isolated, and kept a record of their habitat. In recent times, the Chinese government was assisted by the WWF in undertaking a program on the conservation of pandas. This joint effort has definitely brought some improvement in their habitat. The effort of the WWF was definitely rewarding when the pandas natural inhabitant status gained a UNESCO World Heritage Site designation. They might be considered endangered, but the WWF's efforts have definitely brought about improvement in their habitat. A Helping Hand
  • You can donate to various organizations that are involved in conserving the habitat of the pandas.
  • Bring it to notice of the officials if you come across any deforestation activity.
  • You can adopt a panda if you wish to.
Saving such a cute creation of God from extinction is essential. The major reason of the extinction of these majestic animals are humans and only they can save them from extinction.

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