easy ways to make bubble solution at home without glycerin

Easy Ways to Make Bubble Solution at Home Without Glycerin

An activity quite profoundly responsible for an amazing fun time with kids and adults too, is bubble-blowing. Experimentation reaches an altogether different level with unbounded fun and creativity. At a time like this, running out of solution would be the worst thing to happen. Here are a couple of quick and easy methods to make homemade bubble solutions, so as to bring back the fun!

Did You Know? Color is directly associated with the thickness of the bubble. More light reflects from thicker bubbles.
Bubble-blowing is fun! Remember your summer evenings spent blowing loads and loads of them? Who managed to make the largest bubble was something that was quite a contest among friends and family. The only hindrance: running out of the bubble solution! Most bubble solutions contain glycerin, which is not commonly available in our kitchens. But, making a bubble solution at home without glycerin is quite easy and quick. Most of the ingredients that needed are already readily available in your kitchen, or easily available at the supermarket. The main problem everyone encounters with homemade solutions is the bubbles not lasting long enough. This too can be solved with the help of some basic household ingredients. Here are some methods by which you could use learn how to make bubble solution without glycerin.
Method 1: Instant Bubble Solution
❍ Warm water (distilled water preferred, tap water is also fine) ❍ Dish soap ❍ Vegetable oil
Proportion: For each cup of water, you'll need about 4 tablespoons of dish soap.
❍ Take the warm water in a bowl (or a large container depending on the amount of solution you want to prepare). ❍ Slowly add dish soap in the water and start stirring gently. Keep stirring till the soap dissolves. Take care not to stir too vigorously so that it forms a lot of foam. ❍ Let the solution sit for a few minutes. ❍ Once ready, add 5 - 6 drops of vegetable oil to the solution, and you're done! ❍ If the bubbles pop too quickly, you can try adding a few more drops of vegetable oil. They make the bubbles last longer.
Method 2: A Few Hours of Sitting Solution (Better Quality Bubbles)
❍ Water ❍ Dish soap ❍ Corn syrup
Proportion: For 3 cups of water, take ½ cup of dish soap and 2 tablespoons (⅛ cup) of corn syrup.
❍ Take the water in a bowl and add dish soap. Stir gently till the soap dissolves. ❍ Add corn syrup to the solution and stir till the solution is mixed together. ❍ Like the above solution, this one too could be used right away; but if time is not an issue, let the solution sit in the container for a night. ❍ See that you cover the container/bowl with a lid. You don't want any contaminants to ruin your bubbles the next day.
Some Extra Tips
☞ To make it more interesting, you can also add some food color to the solution. ☞ For larger bubbles, pour the solution in a tray or skillet, and use your large bubble wand with ease. ☞ Avoid foaming of the solution. If there is foam formation, scrape it off gently.
Although most of the solutions available at stores contain glycerin for longer-lasting bubbles, it is still possible to get completely perfect bubbles with these very simple and easily acquirable ingredients, sans glycerin. You can try to experiment with different ingredients (safe ones), and create your own recipe. Have fun while making and playing!

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